PR News needs 100 case studies for new book

Here’s another opportunity for anyone who does PR or publicity to promote their expertise.

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Write a case study about a successful PR initiative you created and managed for a client. PR News wants 100 case studies for its “Top 100 Case Studies in PR.” Each case study should include these 10 elements:

1. Describe basic initiative that is being discussed in Case Study.

2. Situation analysis (before campaign).

3. Objectives (desired future state).

4. Budget for initiative.

5. Implementation process.

6. Stumbling blocks or unanticipated challenges.

7. Tactics for overcoming challenges to achieve objectives.

8. Outcomes (with as many metrics as possible) on what was actually achieved.

9. Next steps.

10. Key lessons learned.

But don’t write anything yet. Send your article idea in 50 words or less to Use the subject line “Top 100 Case Studies Guidebook.” Deadline for submitting ideas is Sept. 10.

Last week, I wrote about a similar opportunity to submit ideas for PR News’ Crisis Management Guidebook. Deadline for submitting your 50-word idea for that book is Sept. 6. 

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