PR News needs contributors for Crisis Management book

Crisis Management Guidebook from PR NewsOne of the best ways to promote your expertise and solidify your  brand is by finding your way into other people’s books.

Here’s an excellent opportunity for PR, marketing and communications experts to do just that.

PR News is looking for contributors for the latest volume of its “Crisis Management Guidebook.

It wants  strong crisis management and abatement ideas, in the form of how-to, anecdotes and case studies, for these chapter categories:

  • Overview: Focus on Research and State of the Industry
  • Media Relations
  • Internal Communications
  • Issues Management: Public Affairs, Labor, Legislation, etc.
  • Social Media
  • Litigation PR
  • The Crisis Plan
  • Case Studies 

Using the subject line “Crisis Management Guidebook,” explain each article idea in 50 words or less and email them by Sept.  6.

If you’re in a LinkedIn group that would be interested in this, or you have PR or marketing people who follow you on the social media sites, please share this post.

AuthorsAuthors & PublishersCrisis CommunicationsMedia RelationsPublic Relations
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  • Chelle Cordero

    I was part of an ambulance corps when Super-Storm Sandy pummeled my county and town. As a riverfront community we expected the storm surge to do damage and it did. We ran a shelter in our brand new ambulance facilities – article idea, lessons learned and how to better prepare.

    • Joan Stewart

      Chelle, this would be a great contribution for the book. Pitch this idea to PR News!