If you’re taking publicity photos for your organization, or you’re hiring a freelance photographer to do it for you, keep in mind these photo tips courtesy of Sean McManus.
I particularly like the one titled “No firing squad”:
“It’s a camera, not a gun. Smile. Or at least, don’t look so terrified. People often shoot photos against walls to get a neutral background (good idea), but end up making their subject look like he’s about to be shot. You’ll get best results by sitting at 45 degrees to the camera, sitting up straight and turning slightly to face the lens.”
Then there’s the dreaded red-eye problem. In my book “How to Use Photos & Graphics in Your Publicity Campaign,” I explain that while most digital cameras have a built-in red-eye redcuer, you can avoid the red eye in photographs another way.
When taking your picture, tell the subjects to look slightly above or below the flash. This doesn’t allow the flash to reflect off the blood inside the eye. If the light reflects, that’s what causes red-eye.
And don’t forget to smile! People who refuse to smile end up looking grouchy or bored.