Look far beyond your topic for publicity ideas

Plate of browniesWhen you’re looking for a publicity opportunity, don’t just concentrate on your core product, service, cause or  issue.

In many cases, there’s plenty going on inside your organization—or your home—worth sharing.

The most recent issue of the Nonprofit Communications Report includes several clever ideas. (Order a free sample of the report here.)

“The head chef in your cafeteria proudly reports that he can’t make enough of his gluten-free brownies to meet overwhelming staff and visitor demand. Invite a couple of reporters to sample them. Or send the recipe or sample box to a local newspapers with food sections.”

Don’t Forget Bloggers

But don’t  stop there.

Pitch bloggers and editors of print and online newsletters. Also, don’t forget about the local TV stations. The Nonprofit Communications Report also suggests walking away from your desk and looking for inspiration. It offered this idea for a hospital or clinic:

Are volunteers in the courtyard planting geraniums? Is construction in the parking lot inconveniencing patients or clients? Volunteers and flowers make a good photo or brief news video. Informating the media that you are temporarily moving your outpatient entrance or better serve visitors until construciton is complete might be a news nibble, too.

Pitch Your Employees

Here’s another idea I wrote about recently. Do you or one of your employees have an unusual hobby or collection? (See CEOs: Unusual hobbies, collections? Forbes wants you)

Has someone within your organization won an award for something that doesn’t pertain to work?

What ideas have you pitched that go far beyond your core topic and that have resulted in publicity. Share the link here, and explain how you did it.

Pitch MediaPress Release Ideas
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