CEOs: Unusual hobbies, collections? Forbes wants you

guitar collection on a wallThink beyond the office when you’re pitching stories about yourself or your company to journalists and bloggers.

If your CEO has an unusual hobby or collection, Kym McNicholas of Forbes wants to know about it. She’s an anchor/reporter for the Forbes Video Network and reports and produces mostly video business stories. She she also contributes to her blog and sometimes to the magazine.

“I love ‘unique’ entrepreneurial stories.  I especially enjoy writing about executives who excel outside the boardroom with special hobbies, sports, charity, or collections.”

For example, she wrote this blog post about Tom Georgens, head of NetApp, a Silicon Valley data storage firm, who competes in ham radio contests, in what’s called “Radio Sport.” It’s where amateur radio owners try to communicate with as many people around the world as they can in 48 hours.

She also wrote about Paul Pluschkell, the CEO of Spigit, a Silicon Valley idea management software firm, who coaches his Babe Ruth World Series winning baseball team, made up of 14-year-old and 15-year-old boys from Pleasanton, California – just east of Silicon Valley.  Between work, family and the softball team, Pluschkell is lucky to get 4 1/2 hours of sleep each night.

In my ebook, How to be a Kick-butt Publicity Hound, I include dozens of ideas on how people can generate publicity for themselves and their businesses. Check out the free sample chapter of publicity tips. If you don’t have an unusual collection, one of these ideas will click with you.

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