Dog Tweets – Twitter Self-Service Ads 101

Here aretwitter bird my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow me on Twitter.

Twitter Self-service Ads 101.
After spending a year in limited release, Twitter has finally opened its self-service advertising program to the public.

The ultimate guide to finding and using images online.
Images are a great way to enhance a website and compliment the awesome content that you’re already publishing on it.

600 journalists surveyed on how they use Online Newsrooms.
Each year the TEKGROUP Online Newsrom Survey Reports highlights the expectations that journalists have for organizations and and their online newsrooms. This year was no different, however, two key ares saw dramatic increases, socail and mobile. Download you free report now.

8 link-building no-no’s from Website Magazine.
While getting links is an essential task for website owners, they should also make sure that they’re doing it the right way. Otherwise, their brand can be seriously (and in drastic cases, even irreparably) damaged.

How to go the extra mile when answering a HARO query and increase chances you’ll be quoted.
What a difference it makes when authors, publishers and even some publicists go the extra mile. Here is a perfect example of what I am talking about: Just yesterday, I saw a journalist’s query on HARO. (HARO is a FREE service where journalists daily post their need for experts on a wide variety of experts.

7 tips on how to write sticky, memorable blog posts.
These 7 simple tips will help you write sticky, memorable blog posts. The kind of posts that make your reader say, “Hey! I gotta read this!”

Travel tips: How to work and relax while you fly.
Check out this handy graphic on travel essentials, tips for improving in-flight work efficiency habits and perhaps the hardest part of it all: Learning how to let go and just relax.

5 questions to ask PR job candidates. 
Hiring in the PR field seems to be picking up, as communications moves closer to the core of marketing strategy and both companies and agencies bring in new blood. And if the economy continues to improve, hiring in PR is likely to accelerate.With that in mind, here are five questions for PR managers that may help them determine the best job candidates

Scribd: Not Just Another Document Sharing Site is the most popular document sharing site available, with over 50,000 uploads each day. Yes, that number is correct. This is key for those of us that use content marketing online to get found, get known and get clients.

12 blog posts that will help you improve your customer testimonials.
These 12 posts will cover all your burning questions on customer testimonials and then some. Enjoy!

BloggingDog TweetsMarketingPublicist
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