Dog Tweets–14 Ways to Increase Your Clickthrough Rate on Twitter

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter.

14 Ways to Increase Your #Clickthrough Rate on #Twitter

How to Leverage Mean #Tweets And Other Negative Feedback #crisismanagement

5 Ways to Get 10x More #Retweets on #Twitter | @WordStream

#Twitter #Marketing: 7 Ways to Use Twitter You May Not Have Thought Of

#Twitter Reveals ‘Retweet With Comment’ for Added Engagement | @CarlyPage_

Everything You Need To Know About #Twitter’s New #Video Feature via @B2Community

The #Twitter Response Guide For #Business: 10 Research-Backed Ways To Improve Your Twitter Customer Engagement

New Research: Who Follows #Brands on #Twitter? | @simplymeasured #SEO

5 Do’s And Don’ts For #Twitter In 2015 via @altrinchamhq

7 Tips for Consistent #Branding on #Twitter | SocialTimes




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