Dog Tweets – How to Choose Keywords That Get Your Press Releases Noticed

Here aretwitter bird my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter.

How to choose keywords that get your press releases noticed.
The success of your online press release distribution relies heavily on the keywords that you are choosing to target in your release. And yet, many people are still a little uncomfortable choosing keywords for themselves! If your business has an online presence then you owe it to yourself to learn the basics of keyword research!

Why Google Reader died, even though consumers loved it.
There’s a very simple corporate reason for why Google Reader was shut down earlier this month: No one internally deemed it important enough to even work on, much less save.

Join Social Buzz Club (free) and let other bloggers promote your blog posts & other content to their audiences.
It’s frustrating blogging regularly and seeing little traffic.That’s why Social Buzz Club, a membership site that’s a collaborative content sharing system, is such a great deal. It offers a free level of service, and two paid levels that give you more opportunity for people to promote your posts to more of their followers.

PR People: Journalists describe what you’re doing that they despise.
HubSpot compiles a SlideShare’s worth of media gripes about industry professionals. Turnabout is fair play, as the saying goes, so we invite your responses.

Incredibly Simple Ways To Increase Website Traffic Without Relying On Google
Millions of web-masters rely on search engine traffic from the big G (Google), but if your traffic has been ripped from you after the latest algorithm, you are probably cursing Google right now.Let me add an important tip here though, when your website rankings have dropped quickly, Google is not always at the heart of the problem.

How to use your Facebook cover image to generate leads
Facebook used to prohibit any calls to action or even any contact information on your cover image. The good news is, the guidelines have changed! Now you can now include contact information, pricing, and calls to action in your timeline cover photo.

3 reasons you shouldn’t sweat when people unsubscribe from your email list.
Do you take it personally when someone unsubscribes from your list? You’re a smart content marketer, and you know that building a qualified list of email subscribers is an important part of your overall online strategy. But as you build your list (and consistently send out useful, compelling content), you’re inevitably going to lose some of those subscribers.

Scam: They photograph you via webcam & threaten to post on child porn site.
This virus is scary as Hell. Can you imagine the ramifications if your picture was associated with child pornography? The virus locks up your computer and takes over your webcam if you have one. It then combines your picture with a child porn warning and threat of exposure if you don’t pay up. Most people are saying you should get a professional to remove this particular virus because it’s extremely nasty and tough to remove if you aren’t really experienced.

Need a Twitter background? 4 of the best places to get them.
In this article, you will find the best places to get free Twitter backgrounds.

5 keys to make your content go viral from Don_Crowther
So, what makes content go viral? Here’s an interesting infographic that summarizes the 5 key elements that tend to help content go viral.

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