Social Buzz Club promotes your blog and videos for free

Free Publicity Tip 25--Join Social Buzz Club and promote blog posts and content for free

It’s frustrating blogging regularly and seeing little traffic.

That’s why Social Buzz Club (affiliate link), a membership site that’s a collaborative content sharing system, is such a great deal. It offers a free level of service, and two paid levels that give you more opportunity for people to promote your posts to more of their followers. 

I’ve been using it for about a year and recently upgraded to a paid level with fabulous results.

Give and You Shall Receive

Here’s how it works.

Every member gives first by sharing or “buzzing” other members’ content on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and Digg. Every share earns you points. When you have enough points, you can then add your content to the pool. Content can include blog posts, video and articles, but it can’t be promotional or spammy.  

The strategy is to share as much of other people’s content that’s a good fit for your audience so that you always have accumulated enough points in your account when you have important content you want others to promote. 

Make It Easy for Others to Promote You

Let’s say you’ve written a  blog post and want others to share it. You can actually write the exact tweet you want them to share on Twitter, the status update for Facebook, etc. This encourages members to share your content because they don’t have to write it themselves.

Last week, I submitted my blog post on How to create how-to tips on Pinterest for non-visual or dull topics and get top Google rankings.  I shortened the headline when I submitted it to Social Buzz Club, and I wrote different blurbs for different social media sites. Members shared it a whopping 27 times!

Social Buzz Club My Recent Posts

Two of those were Denise Wakeman and Louise Myers, both of whom have large followings.  

I noticed instant results.

That blog post linked to my Pinterest board 50 Tips for Free Publicity, and people started flocking to the board and following it and many of my other boards. Here are notifications from just one of my Pinterest followers: 

Pinterest notifications 

Why I Love the Paid Upgrade

Every time you submit your own content, Social Buzz Club’s free level lets you choose only one social media site where you want other members to share it. The paid upgrade lets members share it on all the available social media sites.

I’m an affiliate for Social Buzz Club and if you join here, I get a commission if you upgrade.  Read the many testimonials from some of the most influential people in social media, and then try it yourself.

The most important thing to remember is that you must keep sharing other people’s content. I like having a large selection of content from which to choose, and I share only the content that’s a good fit for my audience. If the people who follow me would love your content, and you join Social Buzz Club, feel free to email me and nudge me to promote it. 

Do you use Social Buzz Club? If so, what kinds of results have you seen?

BloggingDiggGet More Facebook LikesLinkedIn PromotionStumbleUponTwitter Promotion
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  • Albert Wagner

    Sharing others’ content is good, too. You might learn something and help them. You might notice influencers. Would not have known of some of these people otherwise.

    • Joan Stewart

      So glad to help, Albert. You’re right. I have learned so much from Social Buzz Club members who have helpful tips for people in my niche, and I love sharing their content. Thanks for stopping by.