Book not done yet? You can finish it in 90 days

Author coach Ann McIndoo

Many of my friends have written books, so I’ve heard one sob story after another on how long it takes.

One author I know spent four years writing her book, and another frustrating year rewriting, proofreading and doing all the other little things associated with finally getting it onto the shelves in bookstores.

If this sounds like you, or if you want to write a book and avoid these hassles, help is on the way.

You’re invited to a free webinar or telephone seminar on Thursday, June 16, with host Steve Harrison who will interview Ann McIndoo. Ann has developed a unique system for writing a quality non-fiction book in 90 days.

I’m promoting this call as a compensated affiliate because far too many authors spend far too much time producing books that, in many cases, don’t even sell. Ann’s system  works best for authors who have written non-fiction books, particularly how-to, leadership, business, self-help, autobiography, etc.  It doesn’t work very well for children’s books, novels or poetry.

Discover the speed writing system she’s used to help 268 authors get their books done quickly. Register here.

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