American Way magazine searching for Road Warriors

American Way 9th Annual Road Warrior Contest coverAttention speakers, trainers, sales people or anyone who feels like they spend most of their life in an airplane.

You could be one of the winners of the 9th Annual Road Warriors Contest, sponsored by American Way, the inflight magazine of American Airlines.

The Grand Prize winner will take home 2 million Hilton Hhonors® Bonus Points, 1 million Aadvantage® bonus miles, and a $500 SkyMall gift card and get fabulous publicity in the magazine and on American Way’s website.

But it won’t be easy. The competition has three challenges.

Challenge 1:

Write an essay of 500-1,000 words.

“Whether you are climbing a mountain or climbing the ladder of success in the business world, the journey can be filled with challenges.  Describe in an essay your journey and what you see or expect to see once you reach the summit.  Your essay can either be literal (i.e., an adventure story), or figurative (i.e., your life as a Road Warrior and what it took to the reach the top of your game and find success).”

Challenge 2:

You’ll list the nine essential tools you would need in your backpack.

Challenge 3:

You’ll identify photos of 10 cities.

Bonus Challenge

In 25 words or less, explain what your cover blurb will say if you win this year’s Road Warrior contest.

Think about who within your company or organization travels a lot, and encourage them to apply.

If all of this sounds like way too much trouble, there are dozens of other ways to get publicity in inflight magazines, from submitting products for new products sections to writing an essay on a topic that would appeal to business and leisure travelers.

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