5 best places to answer questions & promote your expertise

The Internet makes it possible, even for sole proprietors, to compete against their big competitors because there are so many different ways online to promote expertise.

One of them is by answering questions in your specialty area.

Yes, it’s time-consuming.  But it’s a free way to market yourself. 

Here are the five best places where you should be answering questions to make a fabulous impression and get sales leads:







1.  At Your Blog

Your are blogging, aren’t you? If not, start.

A blog is your main platform from which you can share your knowledge, answer questions, stimulate interesting conversation, and promote.

Encourage people to send you questions, which can be the basis for blog posts. Sometimes I’ll use a question someone has emailed to me, and turn it into a blog post.


Twitter bird standing atop a Twitter button








2. On Twitter

Many of us are so use to sharing links to helpful information that we think people want to know about, that we seldom take the time to ask them what they need.

Go ahead. Ask your Twitter followers what’s bugging them. You’ll receive lots of clues that you can then use to create content such as articles, information products, blog posts and tips lists (“The 10 Best Ways to…”)—after you answer their question on Twitter.

The big payoff will come when you provide an answer that saves somebody thousands of dollars or hours of time, and they rave to their thousands of fans and followers about how great you are.

For example, when I tweeted that my Facebook fan page had disappeared, Dave Kerpen of Likeable Media responded, asked me to make him an administrator, logged in to my account, found a problem in the settings, fixed it, and my page was alive again! I blogged about the nightmare and the happy ending. And then I continued to sing his praises on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and in my ezine, The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week.

Follow me on Twitter and ask me a question.
facebook icon








3. On Facebook

If you’re willing to spend the time, you can use your Facebook page as a town square where people hungry for content—and answers—can get them.  No one does a better job of doing this than Mari  Smith, arguably the world’s Number One Facebook expert. Almost daily, she receives doezens of questions and answers them on her page.

I receive quite a few email questions on a wide variety of social media and publicity topics. I encourage those people to post the questions to my Publicity Hound fan page, where I can answer them for the benefit of everyone who visits.  Some people don’t bother. But some do.

Follow me on Facebook and post a question on my wall.









4. On LinkedIn

There are two ways to answer questions: By using the Answers feature and within Groups you have joined.

To use the Answer feature, go to the menu bar and click on More > Answers and you’ll see questions that other LinkedIn users have asked. You can also use the search function to find questions that include certain keywords.

Within Groups, people ask questions frequently because they know that special interest Groups include other people who share their same expertise.

LinkedIn expert Wayne Breitbarth, who was my guest on two recent webinars, says answering questions within Groups is better than simply using the Q&A feature. That’s because questions within groups usually focus on specific topics that people within those groups will find of value. Using the Q&A feature can be time-consuming because you have to hunt for questions within your area of expertise.

Connect with me on LinkedIn and tell me what you need to know. I’ll be glad to help.





5. On Quora

Quora  is the perfect home for experts because it’s quickly gaining considerable traffic and attention. (See 6 reasons to use Quora to promote your expertise.)

Many journalists are using this site to hunt for experts and sources. Even the New York Times is using Quora so three of its writers, all authors, can answer questions about their books and subject areas.

Readers who like your answer can “vote it up” within all the other answers. They can also f0llow you on quora so that whenever you answer a question, they don’t miss a thing.

Here’s a video from Mashable on how to ask and answer questions on Quora:


That’s my list. What about you? Where do you answer questions to promote your expertise?

Tools That Can Help You:

33 Ways to Attract Facebook Fans, Provide Sterling Content & Keep Them Coming Back for More, with Mari Smith

Your LinkedIn Power Formula Part 1: How to Make Killer Contacts, Pull Crowds to Events, be a Star in Your Industry & Track Down Leads Like a Bloodhound, with Wayne Breitbarth

Your LinkedIn Power Formula Part 2: Advanced Strategies for Writing a Killer Profile, Cashing in on Groups and Creating Company Pages, with Wayne Breitbarth

Comments (6)
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  • LinkedIn Marketing Expert Kristina Jaramillo

    Great post Joan!

    I just want to give some quick advice on how to answer question in LinkedIn groups and on the answers board.

    You should only be giving part of an answer on LinkedIn, not paragraph after paragraph. You want prospects to leave LinkedIn and go to your website for more information, this way you have their full attention. So wow prospects on LinkedIn with some fast hard hitting advice and then send them to a blog post that you have written to answer the question. Now you won’t be competing with all of the other commentors. Failing to mix your blogging efforts with LinkedIn Marketing is one of the many mistakes found at my free special report at: http://www.GetLinkedInHelp.com

    Now as I am following my own advice, go to http://www.GetLinkedInHelp.com to uncover the rest of the mistakes I bet you are making.

  • fl probate court

    I think you have ranked all of them perfectly, blog and Social sites are really those two places where you can promote your expertise effectively and can gain appreciation too. Thanks for making such a nice post.

  • LinkedIn Marketing Expert Kristina Jaramillo

    Hi Joan,

    Great post! You should definitely be answering questions and engaging on LinkedIn – as this platform is one of the most trusted sites by affluent, influential business professionals. 80% of LinkedIn’s members trust the business information they receive on LinkedIn compared to 20-26% of Facebook’s and Twitter’s members.

    Now, when you answer questions – you should NOT give the whole story on the Q & A board nor on the group threads. You should only be providing a partial answer and then send prospects to your blog, an article you published on a top website or one of your special reports to get even more information.

    This way, you get the complete focus and you do not have to compete with the other people answering the questions.

    Kristina Jaramillo

  • Jeanette Simpson

    Thanks Joan! Always learn something new on your posts or refresh my memory on something I had forgotten. Did not know about Quora. Will check into that one. Also, did not know about the Answers feature on LinkedIn. Both on my ‘to-do’ list today.

    Also, thanks Kristina for the follow-up info on how to direct readers to your blog by not giving away all the ‘answers’. Your post worked. I will be downloading your report.

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