66 Free Things You Can Offer to Generate Publicity or Capture Email Addresses


Special Report #51

People love free stuff and journalists, bloggers, and podcasters love to tell their audiences about it. Giving away a free info product is a great way to generate free publicity and build your list.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #51

66 Free Things You Can Offer to Generate Publicity or Capture Email Addresses

People love free stuff and journalists, bloggers, and podcasters love to tell their audiences about it. Giving away a free info product is a great way to generate free publicity and build your list.

  • What you must have in place before you offer a freebie.
  • Examples if popular giveaways that other Internet marketers are using to build their fan base
  • Freebies that let consumers “test” a product or service before buying
  • How to recycle existing content into a new freebie, so you don’t have to start from scratch
  • Popular ideas that have gained traction, even in tightly niched industries
  • Clever ideas you’ve probably never heard of or considered…there’s something here for everybody …and all 66 freebies are in alphabetical order, for easy reference!
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