How to Piggyback onto Celebrity News to Promote Your Product, Service, Cause or Issue


Special Report #50

Here are a dozen ways to tie your product, service, cause or issue to celebrities, and generate more publicity than you could on your own.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #50

How to Piggyback onto Celebrity News to Promote Your Product, Service, Cause or Issue

Here are a dozen ways to tie your product, service, cause or issue to celebrities, and generate more publicity than you could on your own.

  • How to tie your news to hot movies
  • Ideas for stories that are tied to the stars
  • Examples of celebrity missteps that are great fodder for your own publicity
  • How to use newspaper and magazine editorial pages
  • 2 TV shows that will help you stay on top of the celebrity gossip
  • A website that will help you contact celebrities so you can ask them to endorse your book
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