17 Ways to Build Valuable Relationships with Media People


Special Report #49

One of the best ways to let journalists and bloggers know about you is to comment on their work. Learn how to approach them BEFORE you pitch and talk about THEM, not about you. Includes many ways to be helpful, especially when they’re in a pinch.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #49

17 Ways to Build Valuable Relationships with Media People

One of the best ways to let journalists and bloggers know about you is to comment on their work. Learn how to approach them BEFORE you pitch and talk about THEM, not about you. Includes many ways to be helpful, especially when they’re in a pinch.

  • The Number One thing journalists want you to do…this is the very best way to catch their attention
  • An offer you can make that will get them out of a jam, save their hides and make them think they owe you a favor
  • What to do during holidays that will make them grateful you’re alive
  • 2 things you can do if they cover your story and you thought they did a good job
  • How to “research” a journalist’s background and almost shock them with how much you know
  • A super-duper tip for bloggers that will encourage journalists to write about your blog 
  • The Number One thing journalists love to talk about and the Number Two thing they love to talk about
  • The most important question you can ask any journalist you meet…the answer will give valuable clues about how to stay in touch without being a pest
  • An event where you can find journalists galore and maybe even meet with them over lunch
  • Why you should never become impatient if you pitch a story idea and they don’t bite
  • How often you should stay in touch with your media contacts so you never leave their radar screens
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