Smart Tips for Free, Cheap and More Effective Ads


Special Report #48

If you buy ads in newspapers, magazines or newsletters, you can sometimes piggyback free publicity off the ads. Some Publicity Hounds have even found ways to get ads for free, or at very deep discounts. The update of this special report also includes a variety of ways you can get free ads online.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #48

Smart Tips for Free, Cheap and More Effective Ads

If you buy ads in newspapers, magazines or newsletters, you can sometimes piggyback free publicity off the ads. Some Publicity Hounds have even found ways to get ads for free, or at very deep discounts.  The update of this special report also includes a variety of ways you can get free ads online.

  • How to get free ads in newspapers and magazines
  • The best times to negotiate advertising rates
  • A place where you can buy cheap TV airtime, then turn around and sell it for a tidy profit.
  • How to get full-page ads for free in your local business journals.
  • How to get thousands of dollars in free ads for your special event.
  • What do do if you want reprints of a story or ad but you don’t want to pay for them.
  • How to save money on ads in major magazines…this can save you thousands of dollars
  • What to do and who to talk to if you want a story in exchange for a paid ad
  • How to get the most bang for the buck from radio ads
  • How to get your ad or story into holiday gift sections
  • A cheap way to put your advertising message in front of an upscale TV audience
Online MarketingPrint MediaPublic RelationsSpecial Reports