42 Publicity Tips for Authors and Small Publishers


Special Report #40

The hardest part of publishing a book isn’t writing it. It’s promoting it! Many authors don’t understand the best ways to let the world know about their books. These 42 tips cover the gamut, from offline techniques to dozens of online strategies.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #40

42 Publicity Tips for Authors and Small Publishers

The hardest part of publishing a book isn’t writing it. It’s promoting it! Many authors don’t understand the best ways to let the world know about their books. These 42 tips cover the gamut, from offline techniques to dozens of online strategies. 

  • How to target niche markets
  • Creative ideas other than news releases
  • Ideas to draw traffic to your website
  • The best print newsletters and ezines for authors
  • Second- and third-level media outlets to target
  • How to pitch to radio and TV stations
  • Ways to position yourself as an expert
Author ToolsContent CreationOnline MarketingPrint MediaPublicitySocial MediaSpecial ReportsTV & Radio