How to Tie Your Product, Service, Cause or Issue to the Weather


Special Report #37

The weather happens 365 a year. That’s 365 opportunities for publicity! Yet too many people overlook this chance to self-promote. Read about 17 examples of how to get yourself or your company or nonprofit into the news by piggybacking onto the weather.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #37

How to Tie Your Product, Service, Cause or Issue to the Weather

The weather happens 365 a year. That’s 365 opportunities for publicity! Yet too many people overlook this chance to self-promote. Read about 17 examples of how to get yourself or your company or nonprofit into the news by piggybacking onto the weather.

  • Why weather stories are fabulous publicity opportunities
  • Why you should call the media before they call you
  • Who to pitch at various media outlets
  • Enticing little extras you can offer to convince them to cover you
  • How to pitch your product or service without having to buy an ad
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