How to Clinch a Media Sponsorship for Your Fund-Raiser or Special Event


Special Report #36

Lining up a media sponsor can help you attract attendees, donations or volunteers for your fund-raiser or special event. This report shows how to do your homework and what to include in your proposal.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #36

How to Clinch a Media Sponsorship for Your Fund-Raiser or Special Event

Lining up a media sponsor can help you attract attendees, donations or volunteers for your fund-raiser or special event. This report shows how to do your homework and what to include in your proposal.

  • How to get thousands of dollars in free ads
  • Why planning is critical before you seek a sponsorship
  • Who to contact and how to approach them
  • How to convince them to team up with you
  • What public relations tasks they will expect you to do
  • Tips for getting them to commit again next year
Print MediaPublic RelationsSpecial ReportsTV & Radio