Secrets to Becoming a Columnist in Newspapers and Magazines


Special Report #34

When you think TV publicity, don’t just think “Ellen”. Consider local news shows that need compelling guests. Learn the 7 things producers want in a good guest, how to pitch talk shows, tips for TV interviews, and how to host your own cable TV show.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #34

Secrets to Becoming a Columnist in Newspapers and Magazines

When you think TV publicity, don’t just think “Ellen”. Consider local news shows that need compelling guests. Learn the 7 things producers want in a good guest, how to pitch talk shows, tips for TV interviews, and how to host your own cable TV show.

  • The value of offering your columns for free
  • How to get started
  • Tips for approaching editors
  • What to do if they say yes
  • What to do if they say no
  • Writing tips
  • A list of resources to help you
Content CreationPrint MediaPublicitySpecial Reports