How to Win the Support and Respect of Newspaper Editorial Boards


Special Report #33

Newspaper editorial boards can be a valuable ally if you’re promoting a cause, if you’re in trouble, or if you want to muster support for an event or an issue. Learn how to present your case and follow up.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #33

How to Win the Support and Respect of Newspaper Editorial Boards

Newspaper editorial boards can be a valuable ally if you’re promoting a cause, if you’re in trouble, or if you want to muster support for an event or an issue. Learn how to present your case and follow up.

  • The make-up of the editorial board
  • How it can help you
  • When NOT to use the board
  • How to request a meeting
  • Why you must do your homework before you meet
  • How to convince them to support your cause or issue
  • How to follow up
  • What to do if they won’t support you
Print MediaPublic RelationsPublicitySpecial Reports