Damage Control: How to Keep the Media from Making a Mess of Your Story


Special Report #1

Don’t do a media interview without reading this. It will help you stay out of trouble, especially when the news is bad and you’re tempted to say “no comment.”

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #1

Damage Control: How to Keep the Media from Making a Mess of Your Story

Don’t do a media interview without reading this. It will help you stay out of trouble, especially when the news is bad and you’re tempted to say “no comment.”

You will learn: 

  • What do say when a reporter calls and you don’t know whether to comment 
  • How to avoid being misquoted 
  • How to deal with dense or belligerent reporters 
  • Tips for ensuring accuracy in a PR campaign
  • Why you must prepare for the dreaded question 
  • Advice for TV interviews 
  • Clean-up tips if they make a mess of your story
Print MediaPublic RelationsPublicitySpecial ReportsTV & Radio