How to Use Social Media to Connect with Journalists


This is a recording of a live webinar.

Your Presenter: 
Joan Stewart, aka The Publicity Hound

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Ask 10 journalists how to connect with them on sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and you’ll hear 10 different answers. Some might think you’re stalking them. Others welcome an introduction and even pitches. But how are you supposed to know who wants what? Join me for a 90-minute session that explains guidelines to follow, mistakes to avoid, and little-known tricks you can use to track down, research and connect with journalists and bloggers who you want to cover your story. I’ll show you how to help them, impress them and build the relationship so they’re receptive to your pitch.

Ideal candidates for this training include:  

  • PR people or publicists who want to enhance their reputation with the media (and never embarrass themselves or their clients)  
  • Business owners who can’t afford a publicist 
  • Anyone who wears a marketing or PR hat for a nonprofit or government agency  
  • Authors, speakers and subject matter experts who want be go-to sources for the media 
  • Bloggers who need media attention and publicity

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You will learn:

  • How to know where to find journalist on social media sites so you aren’t running around in circles 
  • The biggest mistake that 9 out of 10 people make when connecting with a journalist 
  • 8 dumb phrases that make journalists roll their eyes and hit the delete key 
  • How to avoid “playing gypsy,” a condescending and annoying habit  
  • Why Twitter lists can be your best friend, and how to use them 
  •  2 valuable tools on LinkedIn that can help you find journalists within seconds 
  •  8 important things journalists want from you (some of these might surprise you) 
  • 8 ways to research journalists and learn personal details so you can customize a pitch 
  • How to find a journalist’s email address quickly if an online search turns up empty 
  • How to know if they welcome pitches on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn 
  • 3 quick, simple ways to grab a journalist’s attentionon these sites 
  • Advice from five-star publicists on how they use social media to connect with reporters and editors 
  • 7 very effective ways to build the relationship with journalists 
  • 6 phrases they absolutely love to hear!  
  • An important tip for nonprofits, from one of my favorite publicists 
  • How to say “thanks” to journalists who cover you without resorting to lazy email thank-you notes

Add the video replay and bonuses to your shopping cart

You get: 

  1. The video replay. 
  2. The PDF of the Power Power slides I used during the webinar. They include various websites discussed during the webinar–great for scanning or to do a quick review of what you’ve learned without having to review the entire video. All links are live.
  3. Bonus: a handy, one-page checklist of all my tips so you don’t miss a beat. This will save you a lot of time. 
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