How to Create Your Own Day, Week or Month of the Year and Get Mountains of Publicity


Your Presenter: Joan Stewart

Format: Replay of a live webinar from Nov. 5, 2015

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Gone are the days when traditional media decides whether our special holiday is good enough for publicity. Today, social media decides, too—and people are always looking for something interesting and fun to talk about. That’s why creating your own day, week or month of the year is more powerful than ever. Use it to promote a book, product, service, cause or issue.

Who Should Attend:

  • Business owners with a fun, interesting or academic product or service.
  • Nonprofits that promote a cause or issue
  • PR and marketing coaches
  • Fiction or nonfiction authors who need another tactic to dovetail with a book launch
  • Virtual assistants who help their clients with marketing.

You Will Learn:

  • Why creating your own holiday can get you 100 times more publicity than before.
  • The one topic that almost guarantees publicity for your special day.
  • The advantage to creating a special month and week, not only a special day.
  • Free directories where you can “register” your holiday for even more exposure.
  • Paid options (though you don’t need them)
  • How other authors and business owners generated coverage for their days, weeks and months of the year.
  • Extra steps you can take to get coverage from traditional media.
  • “Carrots” you can use to encourage people to share your holiday on social media.
  • How to make your holiday part of your brand. 7 ways to use a holiday as part of a book launch
  • Examples of holidays that have gone viral
  • Tips for creating hashtags and where to register yours

Order the replay and bonus package



  1. Joan’s PDF “21 Places to Publicize Your Holiday”
  2. 7 Free Tools That Will Encourage Social Sharing for Your Holiday
  3. The video replay
  4. The slides I used for the presentation
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