How to Be a Kick-Butt Publicity Hound


New Sixth Edition

Updated Version of My Most Popular Ebook:

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A step-by-step guide on how to create the valuable online and offline publicity you deserve …even on a shoestring budget

To Publicity Hounds everywhere:

Imagine yourself as the guest on a national news show. You’re being asked for your expert opinion with millions of people watching.

Or an influential industry expert with a huge Twitter following retweets your content and sends a flood of traffic to your blog or website.  

Or maybe your story or article has just been printed in a magazine with 3 million circulation. Your phone starts to ring, and ring and ring. This kind of success isn’t hard to achieve if you know the insider tricks of the trade. 

Or a guest blog post for an A-list blogger brings a geyser of traffic to your website…and sales galore. 

Why You Can’t Rely on Previous Editions of This Ebook

The entire media landscape has changed since I published “How to be a Kick-butt Publicity Hound” more than a decade ago.

Many of the old “top tier” media outlets, like Newsweek magazine, for instance, are gone, gone, gone… 

In their place are a wide variety of social media outlets that don’t make you rely on traditional media to reach your target audience.  

The Internet gives you far more power today than you had even a year ago to not only push out your message to the masses, but to make it easy for people who need you to find you. We know the tools and strategies you can use, and they’re in this Fourth Edition.

Free publicity is as much about “building the buzz” for your own expertise by sharing killer content on the social media sites as it is “pushing out” your message or promotions. 

New Chapters, New Topics and Updates Galore

  • How the media landscape has changed and how you can take advantage of it 

  • How toUse Pinterest to Sell, Sell, Sell

  • The big Facebook time-wasters you can skip

  • New websites we’ve found that offer the coolest tools for saving time on social media tasks 

  • What’s changed with pitching the media and why following up 7 times can kill you now (we recommended this a decade ago because it was OK then)

  • New ways to form strong relationships with the media, including those on the social media sites

  • New publicity success stories you haven’t seen before…and tips on how they got it
  • Updated links throughout the book

Grab This NOW Before the Price Goes Up 


  You’ll Also Learn:

  • How to define your media goals. Tom wasted lots of his early media exposure because he didn’t have this key issue down. You won’t make the same mistakes. 

  • How to create a media database . . . quick access to the right people means you can strike when the media are primed for your story.

  • How to tie your product or service into hot news topics so you can get “on the air” NOW . . . in many cases you’ll be on the same day you pitch the idea

  • Lots of ways to develop story ideas about your business. . . . If you can’t find an idea here, you may as well close your doors.

  • The 4 main ways to pitch a story. . . . This is not rocket science. Anybody with no budget and no experience can do it.

  • How to write a pitch letter

  • A template for an email pitch that got national publicity all over the U.S.

  • 12 Magic Phrases to use with the media and bloggers. . . . You’ll know the things to say that are music to their ears.


Handy Checklists and Step-by-Step Guides to Help You

With this vast array of checklists you’ll have an immediate guide every time a self-promotion opportunity presents itself . . . Remember . . . the media, bloggers and your social media friends, followers and fans won’t wait for you to figure out what to do. They want it NOW!

  • A checklist on creating stories the media wants to hear. . . . There is something for everyone here

  • How to be a GREAT source for journalists. . . . You’ll learn how to make them call you

  • A super list on “How to follow up with editors.” . . . They’re super busy so YOU have to know how to keep after them without being a pest

  • Email blunders that will get you deleted . . . permanently

  • How to meet, in person, journalists who work for local business journals. . . these journals can jumpstart your media efforts

  • 16-point checklist on preparing for your professional photo. . . look the very best you possibly can on camera

Order Now and you can be reading the ebook in just a few minutes 



How to Get and Give Great Radio Interviews—as Important Now as it Was When We First Wrote This Ebook

You’ll read the transcript of a very revealing interview with media trainer Joel Roberts, a former talk show host on the Number One radio market in the U.S. Joel is the best of the best and you’ll see some shocking insider information he relates to Tom during the interview.

You’ll learn from Joel a powerful step-by-step blueprint that explains:

  • Why heat is more important than light

  • How to create the radio hook

  • Why you have to do this yourself without relying on an expensive publicist 

  • How to explode a myth to get on the air

  • How to find a problem to which YOU are the answer…this is what talk show hosts want to hear

  • Why the radio station DOES NOT want you in the studio

  • What Joel did to help Kenny Loggins and the “Chicken Soup” people

  • When to softly use verbal Aikido and when to bust ‘em up with verbal karate 

How to Sell Books & Other Products on the Radio—in Your Bathrobe

You’ll read an interview with Joe Sabah. Joe has sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of books on the radio from the comfort of his own home . . . in his bathrobe. In this insider’s interview he tells Tom all the tricks of the trade to get people to buy after they hear you on the radio. 

You’ll learn from Joe:

  • How to use checklists so you don’t forget to sell

  • What makes a great radio guest who is asked back

  • How to use stories and illustrations to drive home your points

  • How to be human and build rapport at the same time

  • How color can help you get on the radio in the first place

  • How to put your ordering and fulfillment process on autopilot

  • A super trick to make sure they write down your phone number

  • How to use a media database to pitch the right people

  • Pacing your interview for maximum sales


  • Tons of off-the-beaten-path publicity ideas that work

  • Ways to recycle your media exposure so you’re turning one media hit into multiple hits

  • 3 ways to make reprints you can use as valuable marketing materials

  • Instructions on how to use polls and surveys to get publicity

  • Instructions on how to use White Papers to get free publicity

  • Media pet peeves…why blow your chances when you can be warned ahead of time?

  • 34 ways to tie free publicity to public speaking

  • Publicity tips for authors and publishers who want to sell more books 

You’ll be Promoting Your Expertise within Minutes

Since this ebook is immediately downloadable, you will be creating the media strategy for your business in just a few minutes from now. Just think what it will mean to your business, to you, and to your family when you consistently land free publicity for your business that could mean millions of dollars of revenue. 

Smart “Kick Butt Publicity Hounds” don’t spend their hard-earned dollars on one-time expensive ads in print or on the radio. They spend their hard-earned dollars on themselves and their families while the media happily give them millions of dollars in free publicity . . . .if they just know how to present themselves properly. 

This ebook is dedicated to helping you make that presentation properly. Thousands of hours of hard work, mistakes and research went into How to Be a Kick-butt Publicity Hound so you don’t have to pay the price.   

Get An Instant Download Before the Price Goes Up 


P.S. Somewhere out there, there’s a journalist, blogger
or an industry influencer who’s just waiting for you to call!

Author ToolsContent CreationOnline MarketingPrint MediaPublicityTV & Radio