How to Hire the Perfect Publicist


Attention Authors, Speakers, Entertainers, Business Owners and anyone who doesn’t have the time or knowledge to self-promote:

Learn the Secret 
to Finding a Publicist 
the Media ALREADY Love 

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You don’t have to have deep pockets or lots of spare time to launch a powerful publicity campaign that results in thousands of dollars in free print space and air time. You can hire a publicist to do it for you.

In fact, if you know exactly where to look,
you can find a publicist who the media already love

I call those kinds of publicists perfect publicists because they get the job done for you and for the busy reporters and editors who you want to attract–whether you want to be on CNN or your community newspaper. Here’s how they do it:

  • They have a hot list of media contacts at newspapers, magazines and TV stations where you want your story to appear–or they know how to create the list. 
  • They can deliver a snappy, succinct telephone pitch within 15 seconds. 
  • They can create a clever media kit that reporters won’t toss in the newsroom wastebasket along with all the others. 
  • They understand how to take the contents of that same media kit and put it at your website so reporters can access information about you within seconds, without you having to spend money on expensive overnight deliveries. 
  • They know exactly what you need to accomplish in a publicity campaign and how to help you do it. 
  • They invest time developing and nurturing strong relationships with their media contacts. 
  • They learn the wants and needs of the audience that reads a particular magazine where you want coverage. 
  • They use enticing email messages to catch the attention of busy reporters and editors. 
  • They invest in up-to-date media directories that explain when to call, when to send an email and when to snail-mail a letter. 
  • They understand all the little differences and nuances of print vs. broadcast vs. Internet publicity and don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach to target those three kinds of media.

These perfect publicists know all the ways to make the media’s job easy. They are a valuable link between you and reporters, editors, photographers, news directors, talk show producers and assignment editors.

Finding the perfect publicist is like striking gold

Their hard work and tenacity will produce thousands of dollars in free publicity for your product, service, cause or issue.

The fact is, though, too many people make the mistake of hiring the first publicist who comes along. So sometimes they’re stuck with the Publicist from Hell who eventually costs them thousands of dollars in lost money and lost reputation. I know because I get dozens of email messages from people who are kicking themselves for wasting money on bad publicists—with nothing to show for it.

So who are the Publicists from Hell?

  • They’re the ones who are pushy and obnoxious. 
  • They can’t take “no” for an answer. 
  • They’re clueless that the story they’re pitching isn’t a good match with the media outlet they’re calling. 
  • They write multi-page, rambling news releases and bury the gist of the story in the 6th paragraph. 
  • They follow up every news release with an annoying phone call to ask the media outlet “Did you get my release?” and “Do you know if you will use it?” And they do this on your nickel.

Pesky publicists will waste your money. 
They also will damage your reputation

Among the most frequent questions I hear from readers of my ezine, “The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week,” is “Where do I go to hire a publicist?”

I tell them it depends entirely on what they need.

Authors often have asked, “Can you recommend a good book publicist who’s affordable and knows what they’re doing?”

Of course I can. But I won’t. That’s because I have no idea whether the person I would recommend has experience in your genre. I don’t know your budget. I don’t know if you and the publicist would work well together, or whether the book publicist would have contacts in the media you need to hit.

Almost every week, the questions about publicists kept coming.

So I started researching. I asked readers of my newsletter to tell me about their experiences—good and bad—with publicists. I asked publicists to share their stories about the perfect clients, as well as the Clients from Hell.

Clients told me about their nightmare stories. Some of them said they unknowingly threw thousands of dollars down the drain by never checking references. Others admitted that they failed to sign a letter of agreement, so they didn’t find out until the project was over exactly what they were getting. Others said their book publicists had few contacts with the media outlets that were most important to their publicity campaigns.

The response was so quick and so overwhelming that I decided to find out what other books have been published on the topic.

I couldn’t find one! Several books devoted to the broad topic of public relations offer just a few pages on how to hire a good PR firm. But I couldn’t find a comprehensive publication anywhere that explains everything you need to know about hiring a publicist, whether you’re on a shoestring budget or embarking on a major corporate PR campaign.

So I took it a step further and continued my research. I called successful publicists who I knew. I contacted authors who had used literary publicists and asked them what they wished they had done differently.

Then after a series of even more interviews, I wrote HOW TO HIRE THE PERFECT PUBLICIST, an 85-page ebook.

If you did this kind of research,
it would take you at least three weeks

 I know because that’s how long it took me. Organizing your  research and putting it into a usable format would take  you another week (I did that too). You don’t need to  spend almost a month figuring out how to hire a publicist
 because I’ve done it for you. Your time is better spent on  other tasks that are far more profitable.

 Hiring a publicist doesn’t have to be guesswork anymore. I  show you in step-by-step detail how to do it while  saving thousands of dollars and hours of aggravation.  HOW TO HIRE THE PERFECT PUBLICIST shows you several hundred ways to find the publicist who is the best fit for you.

Powerful Expertise, Powerful Results, Powerful Testimonials

A lot of public relations experts out there will tell you what they want you to hear. If they’re from a big PR agency that bills hourly, they will tell you all the reasons their billing method is the best, and why you should hire them. If they’re a sole proprietor and bill by the project, they will give you all the reasons why they’re the best publicist for your needs, often without even knowing what you need.

I’m different. I wouldn’t tell you which I think is best for you until I know exactly what you need, what you must accomplish through publicity, how much you can afford, or the kind of publicist who would work best with you. By the time you’re done with my ebook, you’ll be able to reach your own conclusion rather quickly.

Why should you follow my suggestions?

Because many publicists and media people are among the more than 14,000 subscribers who read my electronic newsletter, “The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week.” Thousands of people who want publicity buy my special reports, ebooks, teleseminar tapes and CDs, and other educational tools. They take advantage of my consulting services and attend my workshops on how to work with the media.

My website has turned into a destination for people who want free advice on how to create free publicity. My articles appear regularly in magazines and newspapers such as Public Relations Tactics, published by the Public Relations Society of America; the SPAN CONNECTION, a newsletter on how authors can market their books; and at Media Insider, the website visited frequently by PR people. Trade associations, corporations, non-profits and other groups hire me to present workshops at their conventions, or to conduct in-house training for their publicists.    

Ready to Buy the Ebook?


More Than 307 Powerful Techniques!

Here’s what my ebook includes:

  • 16 situations when you should hire a publicist, and 2 situations when you should not
  • My 10 favorite resources where you can learn more about publicity so you can speak the language used by publicists and the media 
  • 14 ways to avoid hiring the Publicist from Hell 
  • 19 places to look for the perfect publicists, including literary publicists and music publicists 
  • 2 places you should never look because you might end up with a Publicist from Hell 
  • The 4 ways publicists set their fees—and the advantages and disadvantages of each 
  • 11 questions you must answer before you start interviewing candidates 
  • 6 things to ask each candidate during the first phone call 
  • 15 questions to ask about their background and experience during the face-to-face or telephone interview 
  • 5 things you must know about your key contact if you’re working with a PR firm 
  • 6 questions to ask about how documents are created and approved 
  • 7 important things you should know about a publicist’s communication style 
  • 22 more questions you must ask about the work they will do for you 
  • 5 things you must know about how to judge the success of their efforts 
  • How to know whether there’s good “chemistry” between you and the publicist 
  • The 15 most important traits to look for in the perfect publicist 
  • 12 questions to ask former clients when you check references 
  • 9 things you must never do when working with your publicist 
  • 15 ways to help your publicist help you 
  • Valuable advice for authors who need a literary publicist 
  • 10 places to find great literary publicists 
  • 50 tips for musicians who need a music publicist 
  • Valuable tools for publicists and self-promoters

Ready to Buy the Ebook?


That’s a fraction of what you’d pay for only one hour’s work from some publicists

Affiliates! Contact us at or call 262-284-7451 to find out how you can resell this ebook.

Here’s What They’re Saying About the Ebook:

“HOW TO HIRE THE PERFECT PUBLICIST was invaluable. I copied the list of questions in Chapter 6 (Questions to Ask During the Interview) and used them with each of the firms I interviewed. My investment in the book was wise. It really spoon-feeds the right questions and forces you to focus on the elements you must hit upon during the interview.”

Dr. Robert Kotler, M.D.
UCLA Clinical Instructor
Beverly Hills, California

“I suspect that if I had read this ebook right before my book THIS IS THE PLACE was released, it would have saved me approximately $2,500. That was the cost of a very hard lesson learned.”

Carolyn Howard-Johnson

“I wish I would have had HOW TO HIRE THE PERFECT PUBLICIST years ago. The content is excellent, the ebook is easy to understand and navigate, and the ideas, tips and resources will potentially save businesses thousands of dollars in  hiring mistakes and poor resources. If you are in need of a professional  publicist or are venturing into the realm of self-promoting, read this first.”

Bill Gluth
Creative Life Mentoring
Surprise, Arizona

“This content-rich book doesn’t hold back anything concerning the agonies of finding a good publicist. It presents the good with the bad—and in such an organized way, the reader can start putting the information to work immediately. If it’s true, as some people say, that it’s as hard to find a good publicist as it is to come across an honest used car salesman, then this book has cut through the mystique with factual and practical information that gives below-par publicists nowhere to hide.”

Sharon Dotson, APR
Bayou City Public Relations

“HOW TO HIRE THE PERFECT PUBLICIST really is the ultimate guide on finding, evaluating and hiring a publicist–something every single author really must do to have publishing success. Your fat resource lists, professional perspective and great, seasoned advice make this a must-read for anyone thinking of hiring a publicist.”

Suzanne Falter-Barns

Features of the Book You Will Love:

  • 85 pages with easy-to-follow sections 
  • An extensive 25-point checklist that will help you rank your final candidates 
  • A glossary of more than 50 media terms that will save you time when working with your publicist. 
  • Instructions on how to read and navigate a PDF file if you’re not familiar with this format

Here’s who will benefit the most from this information

  • Corporate decision-makers who want to work with PR firms 
  • Small business people and entrepreneurs who want big results from a small budget 
  • Authors and small publishers who are selling new books or want to kick-start an ongoing publicity campaign 
  • Entertainers who need a music publicist or entertainment publicist 
  • Non-profit agencies and those managing public awareness campaigns 
  • Publicists who want to educate their clients

If you are committed to hiring the very best publicist possible, make the most of this opportunity. Don’t spend weeks interviewing publicists who aren’t a good fit. Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on expensive classified ads. Don’t rack up needless long-distance phone charges searching high and low for a publicist.Follow the steps I teach in this ebook.


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