CPA Publicity


This 133-page kit includes a comprehensive set of documents, how-to guides and 25+ templates for press releases, blog posts or articles, media kit items and your media contacts

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Finally! A Shortcut to Free Publicity for Your Tax Resolution Business All Year Long

Imagine yourself on your local TV station’s evening news. You’re sharing valuable tips on how individuals and small business owners can settle their debt with the IRS.

At the end of the 60-second interview, your web address appears on the screen, where viewers can get a list of more tax tips.

The next day, your phone starts ringing. Viewers don’t only want your tips. They want to talk about hiring you to represent them before the IRS.

Here’s the best part. While other businesses spent thousands of dollars buying ads on that newscast, you paid nothing for that air time. You sent a press release to the station. It included all the pertinent facts that persuaded the producers to feature you on the air.

That kind of free publicity is priceless! 

It’s almost as though the TV station is giving you its stamp of approval. Stories about you, your expertise and your tax resolution business don’t only have to appear in the media a month before tax filing deadline. They can appear 12 months a year. I can show you how.

Why Should You Listen to Me?

I’m Publicity Expert Joan Stewart, aka The Publicity Hound.

I’m shown here with Michael Rozbruch (left) and Larry Lawler after I spoke at their ASTPS Marketing & Technology Extravaganza in January 2015 in Orlando. My session was on how tax resolution specialists can generate thousands of dollars in free publicity on TV and radio, and in magazines and newspapers, while everyone else is buying ads. I was one of the highest rated speakers over three days.

They invited me to attend because they know I’m a former newspaper editor who has been on the receiving end of thousands of press releases and story pitches for more than two decades. I know exactly what journalists want and what it will take to get their attention. 

Use My Handy Templates & How-to Guide

You can spend months learning how to write press releases and articles, and study the finer points of creating your own Media Kit.

Or you can do it the easy way: By using the indispensable package of materials I produced to shorten your learning curve. 

It’s called “Quick & Easy Templates That Create Thousands of Dollars in Free Publicity for CPAs, Attorneys & EAs.”

It comes in a handy three-ring binder with tabbed sections that include:

  • A Quick-start Guide: How to Use This Kit
  • About Press Releases
  • Press Release Templates and Samples
  • About Blog Posts & Articles
  • Blog Post & Article Templates & Samples
  • About Photos
  • Media Kit Templates & Samples
  • Cheat Sheets & Checklists
  • Instructions on how to access my ebook “How to be a Kick-butt Publicity Hound.”

12 Press Release Templates (with Samples) to Use Throughout the Year

Accountants, CPAs and Tax Resolution Specialists usually wait until March or April to generate free publicity.

Outsmart your competitors! Use my 12 handy fill-in-the-blanks templates throughout the entire year. Each template comes with a sample release so you can see what it’s supposed to look like when you’re done writing. 

My templates include press releases for:

  1. Your New CTRS Credential:
    Tell the world about this prestigious designation.

  2. Your New Tax Resolution Service Area:
    Let taxpayers know you’ve added this in-demand service and how you can help them sleep better at night.

    An Addendum Letter to Clients:
    Send this letter with your tax resolution brochure and business cards to introduce yourself, or let current clients know about your new service.

  3. An Upcoming Speaking Engagement:
    Use this to let people know when you’re speaking in your community or to an industry group. It will help fill seats. 

  4. An Award You’ve Received: 
    Learn how to make this routine press release tell a memorable story.

  5. A Charitable Contribution You’ve Made:
    You’ll know how to write about this news and what kind of photo should accompany your release. It isn’t one of those giant cardboard check-passing photos. 

  6. “Love Your Lawyer Day” for CPAs and Accountants:
    This event is perfect for TV! Just follow my step-by-step instructions on how to stage a fun event that gives your lawyer a little love. 

  7. “Love Your Lawyer Day” for Attorneys: 
    This special day is so newsy and unusual, it made the front page of the Wall Street Journal!

  8. Your Appointment to a Board or Commission:
    Let people know how you give back to your community, alma mater or industry.

  9. Your Article That’s Been Published:
    Recycle your publicity. When you’ve had an article published, call everyone’s attention to it so they won’t miss it. 

  10. Your Free Offer (Lead Magnet)
    Build an email list by offering a valuable freebie at your website. This press release pulls traffic. 

  11. Job-hunting Tips for Accounting Students 
    Be helpful by offering tips to college graduates. It’s one more way to get your name in the news. 

  12. A Media Appearance
    Publicity begats publicity. When you’re on TV or the radio, or you’re featured in a newspaper, magazine or a blog, it enhances your credibility.

5 Blog Post or Article Templates (with Samples)
Use Them Over and Over Again 

If you have a blog, or you’re writing articles, it’s a hassle always starting from scratch and coming up with a steady stream of new ideas. Use my five templates for blog posts or articles over and over again. Topics include:  

  1. Answers to a Frequently Asked Question
    These questions usually appear in your email. My simple writing formula will show you how to turn your answers into a helpful article readers will love.
  2.  The Difference Between A and B.
    Help readers understand the difference between an Offer in Compromise and an IRS Payment Plan, or other confusing tax terms.
  3. Questions and Answers on a Topic.
    This article makes a terrific guest post at someone else’s blog. Or an article for your local newspaper.
  4. 5 Simple Tax Tips for Individuals or Small Businesses
    Use my template and publish the article to your LinkedIn profile.
  5. Tax Definitions You Must Know to Settle Your IRS Debt
    This article, perfect for a business or consumer magazine, promotes your tax resolution expertise.  

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build a Media Kit

Make it easy for the media to cover you. Offer a package of materials available at your website that includes the information they need to round out their stories. I’ll show you how to create a simple Media Kit that includes:

  • Your Bios that focus on your expertise.
  • Company Profile  — Reporters can cut and paste this into their stories.
  • Contact Information Sheet so people know all the places they can reach you.
  • Media Sheet for Radio Interviews — Be ready when a station wants to book you for a guest appearance.
  • A Speaker Introduction Sample — Writing your own introduction gets your presentation off on the right foot.
  • A Speaker One-sheet for Meeting Planners — it gives them a taste of your topics. 

6 Cheat Sheets and Checklists

You get 6 of my most popular Cheat Sheets and Checklists:

7.5 Things Journalists Expect to See at Your Website

27 News Items to Include on Your LinkedIn Company Page

89 Reasons to Write a Pres Release

103 Powerful Calls to Action

9 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Email List

How to Hit a Home Run with Pitching and Follow-up (Tips from a top publicist)

And Templates to Create Your Own Media Database

You’ll find one template each for Newspapers, Magazines, Freelancers, Radio Shows, TV Shows, Newsletters, Blogs and Websites.

Using my templates, you’ll be able to collect valuable  information for media outlets you want to target — the big, expensive media directories don’t include these kinds of details.

Plus My Ebook, “How to be a Kick-butt Publicity Hound”

More than 700 pages of how-to information on every aspect of free publicity. This is one of my most popular training guides.  It’s chock full of tools, tips, resources, advice from the experts, guidance on how to give killer interviews, and what to do if things go wrong. (A $47 value.) It includes:

  • How to find story ideas about your business
  • How to deliver an enticing pitch to the media
  • 12 Magic Phrases to use with the media…they show you’re media savvy! 
  • How to form valuable relationships with journalists
  •  Media pet peeves

The Cost of Just One Professionally Written Press Release: At least $300

Your Cost for This Entire Package: Only $297


Most publicists and PR people charge from $300 to $400 for a standard press release and up to $2,000 or more to create a Media Kit. Problem is, you don’t need just one release. You need several. This package costs less than what you’d pay for only one professionally written press release. 

A Time-saving Bonus:

You’ll find all press release templates, samples and instructions on a handy thumb drive so you don’t have to retype everything! They’re available both as Word and PDFs. If you have Word on your computer, or a program that opens Word documents, you’re good to go. Choose the template you need, save it to a new file, and start writing! You’ll find full instructions, plus my helpful tips, in red. When you’re done, delete the red type, ask someone to proofread it for you, and the press release is ready.

No Risk with My Unconditional 2-Part Guarantee

Guarantee #1:
If you’re not satisfied for whatever reason, return the product within 30 days and I’ll refund the full amount.

Guarantee #2:
If you get stuck or have a question, I will be happy to help you. My telephone number and email address are at the bottom of the pages within the binder. I am fanatic about customer service. And I’ll prove it.

Total Value is More Than Double What You’ll Pay

Here’s the value of all the elements of the Media Kit:

12 Media Kit Templates @ $15 per template:  $180
5 Article Templates @ $15 per template: $75
4 Media Kit Templates @ $15 per template: $60
8 Templates for Media Database @ $15 per template: $120
7 Cheat Sheets & Checklists @ $20 each: $140 
“How to be a Kick-butt Publicity Hound” ebook: $47

All Information on a handy Thumb Drive: $100

Total Value: $722.00

Your Price: $297 


Not sure if this is for you? Call me at 262-284-7451 or email 

My “Quick & Easy Templates” include templates for at least three press releases and five articles you can start using immediately. 
