How to Convince Costco, Walmart, Target & Other Huge Chains to Sell Your Books


Format: Replay of a live webinar
– includes huge bonus package
Guest Expert: New Shelves Book distributor Amy Collins

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Who should watch this video:

  • Self-published authors who are willing to sell a lot of books on their own before they approach these stores…it’s a prerequisite.
  • Small Presses who are tired of being kept out of the big stores
  • Authors who have contracts with big publishing houses but might want to self-publish their next book.
  • PR pros and publicists who want to give their author clients an edge over their competitors.
  • Virtual assistants who have authors as clients.

Competition is stiff for shelf space in Costco, Walmart, Target, Barnes & Noble, Supermarkets, Airport stores and other big national chains. But you CAN grab your share if you know the rules. New Shelves Book distributor Amy Collins has the playbook on how to work with all of those stores because that’s exactly what she does 5 days a week. She’ll show you how you can do it, too, and teach you the right way to approach those big stores as well as supermarket chains and airport bookstores.


You will learn:

  • An overview of the kinds of books national chains, airport stores and supermarkets want to see
  • What they buy and when they buy them…timing is critical!
  • How to work with the buyers, merchandisers and the marketing departments at these big stores
  • What you must have in place before you approach them because you get only once chance
  • Critical elements of your marketing package so they know you’re serious about working with them
  • How to get in front of the right people even if you’re on a paper-thin budget
  • What you must know about getting into airport bookstores
  • How to know if your book belongs in a certain chain and if there’s room on their shelves for it
  • 3 critical things buyers need to see before they say “yes”
  • 5 questions to ask yourself before you approach the stores
  • How to convince a chain to sell your book even if it already stocks other titles similar to yours
  • How to change their minds if they say “no”



  • The video replay
  • Amy’s Rolodex of contact information for wholesale buyers
  • A sample Marketing Plan (very detailed)
  • A sample National Sales Letter
  • A sample Press Release 
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