Author Email Boot Camp


You’re invited to download the “Author Email Boot Camp” replay. This 6-lesson training course details how to use the most powerful marketing tool on the planet—email

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Finally! A Step-by-step Program for
Authors, Writers, Speakers & Storytellers
on How to Build an Email List
of SuperFans Who Buy Everything You Offer

You’re invited to “Author Email Boot Camp” a 6-lesson  training course on how to use the most powerful marketing tool on the planet—email—to make much more money from your books, speeches, products, screenplays, services, and stories, or whatever you’re writing, producing or selling.

Major Benefits of This Training, for as little as $197:

You will learn how to…

Get permission from your fans—scattered all over the Internet—to add them to an email list that you can use over and over again to educate, entertain and delight them, and eventually sell to them

Win their loyalty by sharing content-rich tips, news, advice and other items they’re dying to read.

Let journalists, reviewers, event planners and other fans be part of your inner circle and the first to hear important news about you and your business

Encourage everyone you’re emailing, with their permission, to spread the word about what you’re writing, publishing and producing

Use the art of storytelling to attract and keep subscribers—even if you haven’t published anything yet.

Create a Privacy Policy that makes your subscribers feel secure and trust you.

Turn followers into SuperFans—the wildly enthusiastic core of admirers who will buy whatever you’re selling.

What the Course Includes:

Six recorded webinars of from 60 to 90 minutes each. You will receive an assignment after each class, to be completed before the next class, so you stay on track and get started building an email list by the end of the course.  You’ll have access to all videos and other materials in a password-protected site and available indefinitely, for as little as $197.


Online, in the comfort of your home or office. You can take the course at your own pace. I recommend one lesson per week so that by the end of six weeks, you’re ready to send your first email to your list–even if you have fewer than 10 subscribers.  (I started with only one subscriber.)  If you want to review all the content more quickly, go for it!

Ideal Candidates for This Training:

Fiction or Non-fiction Authors, even if you haven’t published your book yet

Publishers and small presses

Storytellers who work in any medium. including screenwriting

Writers, freelancers, screenwriters or writers who want to sell TV pilots

B2B marketers who serve the publishing community

Book coaches and book publicists


Choose the plan that’s right for you, for as little as $197.

Author Email Bootcamp Membership

6 Training Videos that show you beginning and advanced email stragegies and techniques

Each video includes links to AWeber’s how-to videos (valuable, regardless of which email program you decide to use)

Support from AWeber’s Help Desk via phone, email and chat (for AWeber subscribers only)

Support from Dawn Greenly, AWeber’s Dedicated Support specialist, who will work with subscribers one-on-one if you need extra support

5 flow charts that illustrate 5 important concepts in email marketing–great for visual learners

A 6-page Glossary of Terms that explain definitions for words and phrases in email marketing

Bonus cheat sheets, checklists, and additional resources for each of the 6 lessons

Your investment:
6 Videos + Bonuses for $197


Want An Even Better Deal?

Author Email Bootcamp + Consulting

Everything in the Author Email Bootcamp Plus..

A one-hour, one-on-one coaching session with me, at least 30 days after you purchase the course, to brainstorm content ideas for your emails or discuss other areas where you need help.

6 Videos, Bonuses + Consulting for $497

Why So Inexpensive?

I offered a simple cheat sheet last year on “10 Profitable Ways to Use Email to Create SuperFans Who Help You Sell Books.” More than 5,000 authors downloaded it and hundreds of them clamored for more. They asked me to consider teaching them how to do many of the things mentioned in the cheat sheet because their  coaches and publishers are stressing the importance of an email list—one of the most profitable marketing tools—even for authors who haven’t published yet.

I offered the Author Email Boot Camp as a pilot program to a small group of authors — to rave reviews. I launched the full course several months later –high-ticket training that included working closely with all my students, and that resulted in more rave reviews. Since then, my followers have begged me to offer a less expensive version of the program with limited access to me.

Criteria for Eligibility to Enroll in the Boot Camp:

You may enroll if you have no email list whatsoever or if you have an existing list of email addresses of people who have given you permission to contact them. I will devote significant time in the course showing you how to start a list from scratch and grow an existing list.

Even though a website is a necessity for any author and most small business owners, you do not need a website to enroll in this course.

For this training, you will need a reputable, easy-to-use email management program that offers robust features and the most helpful one-on-one live support at the lowest price. The company with the best service and best overall value, hands down, is AWeber. The minimum price is only $19 a month for up to 500 subscribers. If you’re a new customer, AWeber will give you 60 days free if you use a special promo code I give you after you register for this course from one of the “Register Now” links on this page.

If you need extra help, AWeber will assign you a dedicated support specialist during the first 90 days. (One more reason I love this company.)

If you use another email management program and decide to switch to AWeber, you will ask AWeber to help you import your existing list from MailChimp, Constant Contact, GetResponse, FeedBurner, iContact or whatever company you’re using, after you have completed Lesson 1. This is to make sure your contacts are imported correctly. 

You can use the email management program of your choice. But I recommend AWeber because it can pay for itself many times over. Free programs don’t offer the same protection as AWeber, the high deliverability rate, unlimited follow-up messages or other features that can help you make more money. If you don’t like the idea of committing to a paid email marketing program that, when used correctly, can turn into your most profitable marketing tool, you probably aren’t ready for this course yet.

AWeber is the only program I use. The support videos in this course were created by AWeber for AWeber customers. I can’t offer support for other programs like MailChimp or Constant Contact if you continue using them.

AWeber recommends but does not require double opt-in so you have a double layer of protection from spam complaints. What this means: If someone asks to be placed on your list or signs up on their own, AWeber will automatically send them an email that includes a confirmation link. They must click on the link before you can send them anything from AWeber. The one exception: If you are importing a list of subscribers from another email management company, those people do not have to confirm that they want to receive your emails.

Unlike so many of the pests who email junk we don’t want, you will earn a sterling reputation by emailing only high-quality content (that you’ll learn how to create in this course). Consistent mailing will help you track your progress and encourage your fans to look forward to hearing from you.

Absolutely no spamming. To stay within the law, you’ll abide by the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 which you’ll learn about in this training.

You will not buy, rent or use other people’s email lists. These include lists from industry organizations or trade associations, even if you have access to an email list as part of your membership. These also include email addresses of your LinkedIn connections.

You’ll instill trust in your fans and collect more quality email addresses by adhering to a strict Privacy Policy that I’ll help you create. This includes a promise that you won’t sell, rent, trade or give away names and email addresses.

AWeber responds to customers’ suggestions and often adds or improves tools and features that you might not be aware of immediately. For that reason, and to ensure you’re doing everything the right way, you agree to rely on AWeber’s friendly email, phone or chat support in the U.S. when you have a technical question. I sometimes call them several times a week and seldom have to wait longer than one minute to talk to a support person.

Not sure if this training is right for you? Email me at and share your concerns. We can schedule a phone call to see if we’re a good fit.


The Boot Camp Includes These Lessons

Lesson 1: Setting Your Goals & Building Your Email List

You’ll set three business goals you want to achieve with email marketing so you stay focused.

Email myths, and best practices that will help you market safely and legally.

How to create a Privacy Policy and where to find one you can use.

How to create a new email list.

How to manage subscribers.

When You’re Done, You Will:

Understand how to use email marketing and guarantee your subscribers’ security.

Know all the options for creating a list and adding subscribers.

Know the difference between single opt-in and double opt-in.

Understand the importance of creating different lists for different types of subscribers.

Be able to write your first follow-up message that will make new subscribers feel welcome and encourage them to respond to you.

Know the most important parts of AWeber’s website and how to get help quickly.

Have several ideas for a tempting digital “freebie” that you’ll create and offer in exchange for a subscriber’s email address.

 Lesson 2: Sign-up Forms, Broadcasts & Follow-up Messages

The fastest, easiest way to create a freebie, also known as a “lead magnet” to build your list.

How to create a simple sign-up form in AWeber and deliver the freebie—even without your own website or blog.

The importance of follow-up messages and broadcasts, and when to use each.

The difference between a broadcast and a blog broadcast, and when to use each.

How to use your than you page to make subscribers feel secure.

When You’re Done, You Will:

Know how to create an attractive, enticing sign-up form. 

Be able to create an irresistible freebie you can offer over and over again to build subscribers.

Understand the importance of a landing page within your website.

Have ideas for follow-up messages and broadcasts and understand how these can build loyalty and eventually make you money.

How to use follow-up messages to pinpoint what your subscribers want.

Have access to the exact copy I use for a follow-up message to my customers that will result in valuable testimonials and ideas for more products and services you can create.

Lesson 3: How to Write  Emails That Readers Will Love

How to decide on an effective email strategy so you don’t veer off course.

7 types of rich content to educate, enlighten and entertain readers.

Specific ideas for fiction and nonfiction authors and the best sources for more ideas so you’re never high and dry.

Clever tactics to force subscribers to open your emails.

Best practices for newsletters that will delight your readers and keep them wanting more 

When You’re Done, You Will:

Know where to find powerful words to consider using in subject lines.

Understand the important “call to action” and how it can put money in your pocket.

Know the correct way to create a clickable link.

Be able to identify at least 15 topics or types of content you can write about in your emails.

Know how to use AWeber’s Drag and Drop email builder to write your first three content-rich emails.

Have a variety of easy formatting tricks at your fingertips. 

Lesson 4: How to Drive Traffic to a Subscription Box & Grow Your List

How to use social media sites, including buying traffic on Facebook, to grow your list.

How to find your target market in online niche groups and on social media.

An alternative for a gorgeous landing page even if you don’t have a website.

When You’re Done, You Will:

Understand the best practices for list building.

Know all the ways a landing page will grow your list.

Know where to find readers online to subscribe to your emails.

Start building your list using a killer trick I devised on LinkedIn. (You’ll see the exact wording I use.)

Have 9 other ways to use LinkedIn to grow your list.

Have 12 more ways to use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Know how to attract subscribers offline.

Lesson 5: Examples of Author Newsletters & How to Make a Special Offer

Examples of some of the best newsletters from fiction and nonfiction authors.

Ideas for special offers that build loyalty, even if your readers have no money to spend.

The importance of time-sensitive offers and scarcity.

How to cross-promote a blog and newsletter.

How to piggyback an offer onto a tip.

When you’re done, you will:

Realize that regardless of your topic, there are ideas galore for creating compelling content for your fans

Be able to plan your first broadcast and your first special offer.

Know how to schedule a broadcast into the future so you don’t have to be at your computer.

Know how to let your readers “subscribe” to a series of follow-up messages or tips within a broadcast.

Understand the power of cross-promoting a blog and a newsletter

Know what to do if people aren’t opening your emails.

Lesson 6: How to Build & Measure Loyal Readers & Ask for the Order

How to use follow-up messages to offer value, value, value and ask for the order.

How to cross-promote from your email to your blog and vice-versa.

An introduction to affiliate programs, great if you don’t have products of your own to sell but want another revenue stream.

How to use your stats to measure reader loyalty.

When You’re Done, You Will:

Know how to instruct your subscribers to opt in to a series of content-rich tips that eventually asks them to buy or download something.

Be able to add new subscribers to an email list, quickly and easily, when you’re at live events like book signings—you’ll love this AWeber feature.

Know how to gather email addresses at live events by giving away a fun prize.

Be able to stay in touch with customers using follow-up messages.

Understand the basics of affiliate programs and have ideas for other marketers whose products and services you can promote.

Have a handy checklist of things to do before you send a broadcast so you catch errors before you send the email.


Why Learn from Me?

  1. I’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars by emailing free weekly publicity tips for more than 15 years.
  2. My emails have sold products, attracted consulting clients, and prompted invitations for paid speaking engagements.
  3. I’ve done profitable joint ventures with more than three dozen other marketers–all because I have an email list of loyal readers.
  4. You may have heard me say, “I’m not a techie.” But I’m trained as a journalist, and I know how to explain technical and complicated issues clearly. If I can’t understand it, I don’t teach it!
  5. I’ve been a happy AWeber client for more than seven years and stand behind their top-notch customer service 100 percent.
  6. I also give exemplary customer service. Ask anyone who has bought anything from me. My phone number is on my website.
  7. I taught the Author Email Boot Camp as a pilot program in the spring of 2015 and got rave reviews from students, as well as their suggestions on how to make it even better.

Rave Reviews from Boot Camp Attendees:


Tech-Challenged? You’ll Have 2 Layers of Support

AWeber customers have access to their phone, email or and online Help Desk, based near Philadelphia, Monday through Saturday. You seldom have to wait more than a minute or two for a support specialist.

If you need additional help, AWeber will assign you a dedicated support specialist.

…and don’t forget about the optional 1-on-1 private consulting session, just you and me, to discuss content ideas and other questions you have.

No Risk with My Unconditional Guarantee

If you’re not satisfied for whatever reason,
I’ll refund the full amount within 30 days after you purchased the course.

Total Value is More Than 7 Times What You’ll Pay


Here’s the value of all the elements in this course:

6 Prerecorded Step-by-Step Videos: $800
5 Flow Charts: $400
Glossary of Email Terms: $200
More Than 21 Cheat Sheets, Checklists & Resources: $300
60 days of AWeber free for new clients: $40

Total Value: $1,740
Total Value + Consulting: $2,040

Your Price:
Videos + Bonuses: $197

Videos, Bonuses + Consulting: $497

P. S.
Not sure if this is for you?  Call me at 262-284-7451 or email

P. P. S.
An email list is the only way to gather your fans and social media contacts in one place, with permission and keep in touch with them regularly.

Author ToolsContent CreationOnline MarketingPublicity