A Simple 5-Part Formula for Delivering the Perfect Media Pitch and Hitting it Out of the Park


What This Is: This is a replay of a webinar hosted by Joan Stewart.

Why Learn From Me?:

I’m a former newspaper editor and reporter who has accepted and rejected several thousand story ideas that people have pitched.

As an ezine editor, blogger and freelance writer, people pitch me almost daily via email, telephone and the social media sites—and I know what works!

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When it’s time to pitch journalists, broadcasters and even bloggers, don’t start from scratch! Break the task into five smaller segments and use my handy checklist so you don’t skip a step. This webinar shows you how to avoid the useless “spray and pray” technique in which you send the same one-size-fits-all pitch to dozens of journalists, and then complain later when nobody bites.

You’ll learn the far more effective technique of creating and delivering customized pitches that will make every journalist say, “This is PERFECT for our audience!”

Who Should Attend:

  • Anyone who’s new to PR and publicity…we’ll cover the basics    
  • PR pros and Publicity Hounds who have been around the block…you’ll learn new story angles and how to form relationships with journalists using social media
  • Anyone who sends the same pitch to more than one journalist…I’ll break you of this nasty habit.
  • Publicity Hounds whose pitches go nowhere (C’mon. You know what this is like. Painful.)
  • PR people who can’t think of interesting story ideas, particularly when the boss is barking, “We need publicity NOW!”
  • Authors, speakers, experts and business owners who pitch their own stories and cannot afford a publicist
  • Nonprofits, particularly those with shoestring budgets and few PR boots on the ground
  • Virtual assistants who help their clients with publicity (you will NOT be pitching but you can do almost everything else)

You Will Learn:

  • Why the “spray and pray” technique never works but why people insist on using it 
  • The 2 things you need to decide before even thinking of a story angle
  • 5 critical things you must know about your target audience
  • The one word you must never, ever use when you pitch, or they will ignore you
  • The one question you must be prepared for after you pitch…blow this one and you’re finished
  • How to know the best journalist to target at each media outlet, and the big mistake many people make when targeting
  • How to know when to pitch by phone, email or social media
  • 6 important things you must do if pitching via email to cut through all that noise
  • 27 angles for stories…there’s something here for everybody, especially when you’re coming up blank (Handout)
  • How to take one story idea and customize it for three different media outlets (Handout)
  • Media leads services you should be monitoring—or paying somebody to monitor for you
  • 8 ways to research journalists so you can weave something personal into your pitch and wow ’em
  • An incredibly easy way to find out how to get in front of a journalist (most people NEVER think of this– this one tip is worth the price of the webinar!)
  • What to do if you pitch and a journalist says no, your idea isn’t a good fit…asking this one question can get you the story!
  • 5 things you can offer that will sweeten your pitch and just maybe push journalists to say “yes”
  • How to follow up after you’ve pitched (even though they tell you to never follow up–don’t believe it!!!)
  • 6 more big bad mistakes to avoid
  •  How to stay on a journalist’s radar screen so you’re there when they need a source like you
  • The very best way to thank journalists and others who cover your story…and what NOT to send them
  • What you must know about ethics policies in newsrooms

    …..and I’m leaving plenty of time for your questions!

Send me the replay, handouts and bonuses



You also get:

  1. Handouts. You’ll get handouts that include 27 angles for stories, and an example of a pitch that’s customized for three different media outlets so you can see exactly how I’ve changed it, and understand why.

  2. You’ll also get a list of “10 Magic Phrases the Media LOVE.” (In the handouts)   

  3. The PDF of the Power Power slides I used during the webinar–great for scanning or to do a quick review of what you’ve learned without having to review the entire video. These will be on the download page.

Send me the replay, handouts and bonuses



  1. Mary Ann Miller

    Your Programs are Always So Comprehensive

    Joan (and Christine) – thanks for the great Facebook Webinar on Tuesday and the tremendously thorough handouts and materials sent tonight. Your programs are always so comprehensive, yet cost effective. They are always time well spent. Thank you – keep ’em coming!

  2. Mary E. Fenelon

    The Handouts Were Top-notch!

    This was absolutely one of the best teleseminars I’ve participated in.

    The handout is top-notch. Thanks for providing serious content: helpful websites from which to learn more and a great outline to get me started.

    Building Associations Collaborative – Lafayette, CA

  3. Mary Castillo

    Within 15 minutes, I had two confirmations from reporters

    Right after I took your workshop yesterday, I used your technique pitching a new website designed by my client. Within 15 minutes I had two confirmations from reporters that they would be running the story, and interest from a radio show that I’ve tried to get my client on for a year.

    Your workshop has empowered me to be more straight-forward and peppy in my pitches. I also feel confident to pick up the phone and call with the tips you shared. Thanks so much. Your workshop was a shot in the arm!

    Author of Hot Tamara & In Between Men Orange County, CA 

  4. Eileen Strong

    Very Content-rich

    Thanks for a great presentation. Very content-rich. No wonder Tom Antion thinks you rock!

    Strong Incentives – Eatontown, NJ

  5. Elena Meredith

    This webinar helped to get me on track!

    I took your pitching webinar last week and wanted to say thanks!   You  confirmed my suspicions about how I ‘should’ be doing things and got me on track.

    Publicist, Free Spirit Publishing Minneapolis, MN

  6. Ronnie Schmidt

    Joan Stewart is by far the best of the best Public Relations experts on the planet. Anything she is selling, buy it, it’s worth twice the price.

Print MediaPublicityTV & Radio