Contact The Publicity Hound

If you want to work with me or you just want to connect, I’d love to hear from you. You have several options on how to contact me.

By Phone:

Call me at 262-235-2843 and leave your email address and a short message explaining what you need. I’m in Ohio in the Eastern Time Zone, same as New York City.

By Email:

Email me at

My Mailing Address:

Joan Stewart
The Publicity Hound
1091 Fleetwood Dr., F
Sagamore Hills, Ohio 44067

Publicity Advice on Twitter:

Follow the Publicity Hound on Twitter where I tweet helpful tips and share links to publicity articles and videos you’ll love. I don’t answer direct messages on Twitter. Please email me at

Publicity Tips On Facebook:

Ask me a question or stop and say hi on my Publicity Hound page.

Connect with Me on LinkedIn:

See my profile and invite me to connect. But explain how you know me, or why I should accept your invitation.

Watch My “Do-it-Yourself Publicity” Videos On YouTube:

Subscribe to The Publicity Hound’s video channel.

Ask Me a Question About Publicity or Social Media on Quora:

Or review the questions about publicity and social media that I’ve answered for other people on that giant Q&A site.