Thanks to Publicity Hound Roberta Beach Jacobson for this tip on how to grab a page of free publicity in the Bylines 2009 Writers’ Desk Calendar.
“This marks my third year in a row appearing in this calendar,” Roberta says.
The deadline to submit a short piece, maximum 300 words, to editor is Sylvia Forbes is Friday, Feb. 1. Be sure to read the submission guidelines. Here’s what they say about your bio:
“You’re not dry and boring, so your bio shouldn’t be either. Give us your accomplishments but round out your profile so our readers feel like they’d like to meet you for coffee. Or a beer.”
Most bios I read, especially author bios, are real yawners. See
“Special Report #46: Tips for Rewriting Your Boring Bio.”
Going to check out your article on rewriting your bio. I have downloaded the guidelines and will let you know how it comes out. I added a link to your blog from mine. Good comment that I don’t have my blog linked into my web page yet. I will get that done today. All of your tips are great just requires action.