If you want to promote anything online, be sure to check out the January/February issue of SUCCESS magazine, on newsstands now.
I’m featured along with Internet marketers Joel Comm and Scott Fox in the Ask the Experts column. Here are the topics we discussed and a few snippets of advice from the article.
—Blogs: If you aren’t blogging, start now.
—Websites: Update content regularly.
—Video: It’s the best free way to pull traffic.
—Generating more traffic: Produce interesting, targeted and timely information for your customers.
—Search engine optimization: Use keywords and phrases that emphasize your product offerings.
The online version of the article, by the way, is slightly different than the printed version, so buy the magazine and get even more tips. In fact, why not subscribe and get 65 percent off the news stand price.
Little time to read? Every issue includes a Dual Disc (CD AND DVD) inserted into the magazine. The March issue, for example, includes audio and video tracks from Seth Godin, Napoleon Hill, Harvey McKay and SUCCESS publisher Darren Hardy.
Tomorrow, I’ll be including in my ezine, “The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Weeks,” ways to recycle this kind of publicity. Whenever you’re mentioned in a newspaper or magazine, NEVER be content with just one media hit. Already, I’ve recycled this publicity into four other ways to promote my business. I’ll explain them all tomorrow, add them here after I email tomorrow’s newsletter, and then ask my readers to list their favorite ways of recycling in the comments section. See “Special Report #13: How to Recycle Your Publicity (for Serious Publicity Hounds Only).
My client, Dan Danford of the Family Investment Center, was quoted in a story by a colleague in Portfolio magazine. We found the article online, and linked to it from his blog, and also from his Twitter account. And we went to the article online and commented under it, thanking the writer and telling him that we had posted it on his blog, http://www.familyinvestmentcenter.blogspot.com, and also telling him we tweeted it @family_finances. Everyone who went to the site to read the article saw the client’s comments, and hopefully went to his blog to read more. I also asked him to post it on his Facebook profile. Links are so necessary and helpful – people can click and get right to it. Great tips, Joan!
Joan, thanks for the reminder to keep trying new things. I already blog and twitter, but this reminded me that it would be great to start posting videos, especially on the little productivity tips I often twitter about.
Hi Joan,
This article in SUCCESS magazine was great. Thanks for participating with me.
I’m taking the advice in your newsletter and visiting here to post and “recycle” the promotion even further for us both.
Scott Fox
Author, Internet Riches and e-Riches 2.0