Since finishing my special report two days ago on how to use Twitter for business, I came across several other interesting items related to Twitter:
–Earlier today, when content strategist and blogger Amy Gahran was working in her home office in Boulder, Colorado, she learned about an approaching tornado via Twitter. In an article at the Poynter website, she detailed her frustration trying to find out information about the tornado from the National Weather Service. Then she explained in step-by-step detail how she used a variety of websites and other sources to track down information. Finally, she used Twitter to alert other Twitter users in Colorado. The hundreds of uses for this microblogging tool are fascinating.
–I found a list of interesting Twitter do’s and don’ts, also written by Amy Gahran.
–The Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) uses Twitter to share what technologies the various libraries are working on. “Sure, sometimes something personal slips in there, but we all pretty much know each other well enough that it’s OK,” says Bobbi Galvin, who works in customer relations.
–John Hassell, Deputy Managing Editor/Online at The Star-Ledger in Newark, N.J., writes about how he used Twitter to find out why journalists blog.
–The deadline for Copyblogger’s Twitter writing contest is 5 p.m. Central Time on Friday, May 28. Entries must be–of course–exactly 140 characters, the maximum length of a tweet.
PRWeek has a great article on how “Relief Groups turn to Twitter Amid Crisis” at
Enjoying following you on twitter. Thought your readers might be interested in this list of resources:
@wiredprworks on twitter
Hi, Joan. I thought you and your readers would enjoy reading the 6/6/08 article in the Baltimore Business Journal about PR firms using Twitter:
Karen Commins
Twitter @KarenVoices
Wow, I never hear about fun stuff like a tornado! I guess I’m just a “typical” Twitter user (@Jonamerica). You and your readers might be interested in my blog post, getting the most out of twitter. Thanks!