The next time you have problems with your toilet, just check in with Scott Soncray, aka The Twitter Plumber, who goes by @stoncray.
Scott, director of communications for a nonprofit, is one of the thousands–perhaps millions of Twitterers–who helps a fellow Twitterer in need. Take, for example, the annoying problem of a running toilet. When PR pro Judy Lederman of JSL Publicity & Marketing, who goes by @judysl, couldn’t figure out what to do to make the water stop running, she turned to Twitter for help.
Scott, it turns out, had just fixed his toilet, so he coached Judy through the entire repair job, with some help from a few photos that Judy took with her cell phone camera. At his News to Me blog, he recreated the back and forth Twitter conversation, complete with twitpics of the toilet, which Judy took with her cell phone camera.
Judy is forever grateful. Now she needs somebody to help her replace her garage door mechanism because she just bought a kit from Home Depot.
As for me, I’m headed over to Twitter to check through my archives. Bogie, our German Shorthaired Pointer puppy, chewed a ballpoint pen on the floor in my office and I need to remove ink stains from the carpet.
When the same thing happened several months ago in the living room, I tweeted about it, asked for help and was inundated with responses. Unfortunately, I called a professional carpet cleaner who ended up ruining the carpet.
This time, it’ll be Twitter to the rescue. I just wish I knew which of the 17 suggestions to try. Any suggestions?
Yeah, it is amazing how far technology is coming, and improving everyday life. I’m looking forward to the day when I can fix a toilet oIP. =)