Princess Grace once said this about Estee Lauder:
“I don’t know her very well, but she keeps sending me all these things…”
Estee Lauder would mail her homemade cosmetics to celebrities she didn’t know. She’d even give them to stars she spotted on the street. The constant practice of gifting celebrities with her cosmetics is what many say caused Estee Lauder’s small business to explode into a $5 billion dollar cosmetics company.
That’s one of the tidbits in Jason McAuley’s free report “How to Get Your Products in Celebrities’ Hands for Free Celebrity Endorsements, Instant Credibility and Star-powered Publicity.” You’ll find all kinds of interesting tidbits. For example, did you know that celebrities frequently send thank-you notes to gift-givers? You’ll find several examples in the report.
Jason, by the way, runs, the company that sells a database of contacts for celebrities, their managers, agents, publicists and attorneys.
I enjoyed this blog about how to get products into the hands of celebrities. It makes sense and very simple to do. Thank you for writing this and sharing.