Susan Payton of Egg Marketing & Public Relations interviewed me this week on how Publicity Hounds can use free ebooks to promote a product, service, cause or issue.
I told her about the success I’ve had with the free ebook I give away to my readers every Christmas. It’s called “The Best of the Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week” and my readers love it. Rather than creating new content, I simply choose the best 24 tips from my weekly ezine.
The book is filled with links to product pages at my website, as well as affiliate links to publicity-related products and services I sell for a commission and can stand behind 100 percent.
When Cathy Stucker, The Idea Lady, was a guest during a free teleseminar I hosted this week on “How to Turn Cash into Content” (we recorded it), I discussed the free ebook, which generates several thousand dollars in revenue each year. One of the secrets of promoting it is to encourage my readers to regift it to their clients, readers and friends and so on.
I give my readers a link where they can download the ebook. It’s actually an “ad tracker” link created by my shopping cart. That link can then track all product sales I make from the ebook. It cannot, however, track affiliate commission.
If you’re looking for more ways to retool existing content into a revenue-generating product, listen to the teleseminar I conducted with Cathy. If you need a powerful shopping cart, download the ebook “Internet Cash Machines.”
Regarding Story Ideas for March Madness — I just read a piece about a vasectomy clinic that is offering a special deal on this procedure just in time for March Madness. Here is the link to the story:
This sure meets the timely, newsworthy, and relevant recipe, and it grabs attention without a doubt.