Here’s a clever tip from Tom Antion’s teleseminar last week on “How to Get Instant High Rankings on Google Using Short Videos.”
Find very popular videos at video-sharing sites like YouTube. Then create your own video commenting on that video. Lots of people who care enough to watch the YouTube video will be curious about the comments, especially the video comments. And if you’re clever about how you create the video comment, you can pull traffic back to your own website.
One of the most popular video series is “Will It Blend?” in which a geeky-looking guy in a lab coat blends everything from an iPod to a stun gun in his industrial-strength blender. Some videos in the series have gotten more than 1 million views. You can post a written comment, or, as Tom suggests a video that comments on it.
During your video comment, of course, you will explain subtley how visitors can get to your own website. Tom explains three ways to do that.
He recorded the teleseminar and turned it into a CD. You can order it here.
I have had much success with YouTube and plan on taking this advice to heart. I never thought of leaving video comments…absolutely genius! I will definitely take advantage of this new spin on free publicity IMMEDIATELY! Thanks for the wonderful advice!
Best Regards,
Jennifer Melnick Carota
“Shop Smart GIVE MORE”