Lois Carter Fay of Massanutten, Virginia writes:
“I just started a new blog, BoomerWomenBlog.com, that combines marketing ideas with Boomer Women. It’s also set up to maintain contact with a women’s group, Women’s Forum, that I run in my local community. What’s the best way to publicize my new blog and to generate heaps of traffic?”
One good way to generate blog traffic is to post on other blogs and consider joining a group like http://blogher.org/ which is a place for women bloggers. There you’ll find lists of blogs by women that you may find interesting and you can add your own blog to the directory.
Hello Lois,
Two ideas come to mind.
The first is to create an award that you can give out to blogs that you like that are for fellow boomer women — and this award will make readers curious about your website. Of course you could include links or a blogroll to their blogs at your blog, and they would link to you as well.
The other idea is to answer questions at Yahoo Questions with a link to your new blog included in your answer. I believe you can include the link in your answer. There are so many topics for questions, just about anything you can think of. You can also ask questions and get a question and answer session going – which could be interesting.
Good luck! — Abigail
Many women with disabling conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome run businesses from home since they are non-employable or part-timers. 95 percent of diagnosed persons are female ages 40 plus: your ideal demographic! They’d love the personal inspiration, support and marketing ideas on your blog. Many websites dedicated to these conditions include articles from outside experts and links to resources, which rank very high in clicks and readership. After looking at your blog, I think it would be a wonderful resource for millions of women with FMS and CFS! Check out the National Fibromyalgia Association site at http://www.fmaware.org. It’s the biggest and most prestigious. Good luck!
Before, I give you my idea, I must tell you that I absolutelty love your newsletter.
One of the best ways to publicize your new blog and generate heaps of traffic, while improving your SEO, establishing yourself as the expert in your field, increasing credibility, and building your brand all at the same time is to write articles related to marketing for women entrepreneurs who are in their boomer years. THere are many business sites, women entrepreneurial sites,marketing sites and boomer sites that would accept your articles. In the bio box, you would include a link to your articles. If you’re interested in the article marketing, you should check out http://www.prleads.com/article.htm
And, don’t forget once you’re done writing and submitting the article, you should turn the articles into online press releases and submit it as well. If you need help, I’m sure Joan has resources to help you write how-to articles and online press releases.
Reach out to the five or six authors who’ve recently written books about marketing to boomers or boomer women, highlighting their best tips on your posts, with links to theirs blogs/sites. Have a monthly or quarterly or annual contest tied to some aspect of a hot button or interest to your Boomer Women, perhaps co-sponsored by several firms that want to reach your “market” of readers. Those sponsors could provide the gifts. The contest results could be tied to an annual holiday or event. The results could be posted on sponsors’ sites too. Post a tip at SavvyHer when we launch in January, with a link to your blog. Who knows? You may win gifts if your tip is voted among the ten most popular one month. – Kare, SavvyHer
Hi – A few ideas to increase natural traffic. In addition to all of the above ideas, you can submit your blog to numerous blog-specific directories which will drive traffic your way. This is an advantage over traditional websites.
Consider creating a Squidoo lens, linking back to your blog and yet another way to present yourself as an expert in your field. http://www.squidoo.com
This is the most important – make sure you are using keywords in your headings and body of your posts. This is what search engines search for…content & relevant keywords. Select a set of keywords that are specific to your site and litter your posts with them (select one keyword phrase to focus on each post, but don’t over use it within each post, keep your posts readable).
Equally important is using permalinks in your url. If you look at the URL of this blog page you’ll see that it ends in keywords specific to this page – make sure you use this to your advantage. The URL is the first place search engines look for keywords.
One more thing – make sure you are creating content on a consistent basis – this effectively trains the search engines to keep re-indexing your site.
Love the award for other blogs idea.
Good luck!
Networking with folks in your same area of interests is always a good idea. I would recommend that you get in touch with George & Marilyn Wallace. They have two article directories that seem nicely matched to your needs… http://www.RetirementLivingArticleDirectory.com , and http://www.WritersPenArticleDirectory.com . George & Marilyn are two retired educators who are teaching others how to enjoy an active and profitable retirement by using their article writing skills to promote whatever business or cause they are involved with. Great content is the fuel that drives all online businesses and the marriage of your blog and their article directories seems like a natural for both of you.
Thom Reece
You have some great ideas here, but a couple of additional ones 1. “key words” (look to wordtracker.com for help) I have found that once I got this right, Google started picking up my own blog, which is for boomer women also and the traffic tripled. 2. Post on other blogs and trackback to blogs that you are referring to, 3. make your blog roll/connections with those who have a similar message , ie Boomer blog, Boomer TV blog, and others that you resonate with. 4. Boomerwomenspeak.com is a place to get involved as well the National Association of Baby Boomer women, both create by Dotsie Bregal.
in Adventure,
Start with your core supporters and ask them for help. I’ve found that when launching a new product or service, the support of already loyal contacts is key. Simply ask for help by requesting your current list subscribers tell a friend and perhaps throw in an incentive such as an ebook or special report.
And of course, there’s always the good ‘ole press release. I’ve had great results with PR Web’s fully optimized release with pod cast (Google “Lisa Manyon to see and hear a recent release)and Transworld News.
Good luck with your new venture…
Dotsie has a loyal following and has kept her community growing with new innovations. Also see Mature Market and Mary Furlong’s conference for those firms that want to reach those who are 50 and above
Thank you everyone! These are great ideas. I’ll work on them over the next few months and then touch base with each of you about the results.
Thanks, Joan, for posting this.
Lois Carter Fay
* How about contacting sites that sell medical supplies and finding a way to link with them?
* Grandparent sites
* stores on-line catering to 50+ is there a mailing list targeting fitness centers in general
* Curves or other female only exercising franchises
* magazines for the mature person
* AARP: send article, PR piece, ad
* public access TV – find others and do shows targeted at “our” age group (is usually inexpensive and gives you a video to send to others or use on your website)
* mail lists for RSVP (Retired Seniors Volunteer Program) and other well-known national groups that seniors tend to join and participate in (there’s lots of these)
* contact travel groups or cruise lines as they often seek out speakers
Have fun and good luck!
Thank you everyone for your inspiring ideas!