Here’s proof that spending fewer than 15 minutes a day posting comments to other people’s blogs is well worth it.
I’ve set up a Google Alert for several keywords or keyword phrases related to my area of expertise. I’ve trained my virtual assistant to go through the emails Google sends me, read the blog postings and let me know if the blog would be a good fit with my comments. If it is, I visit the blog, post a quick comment, and that’s it.
One comment that took less than a minute to write resulted in an invitation from Steve Kayser to write an article titled Promote Your Expertise and Help Build Web Traffic for Expert Access, his 135,000-circ. B-to-B ezine. I almost forgot it until just now and didn’t want you to miss it.
Thanks a lot for your contribution Joan. It was well-received and well-read. (That’s corporate gobbledygook for our readers loved it! Why? Because i was useful- helpful and well-written.
By the way,Who did your cartoon? He was great! HAHAHHA. I was hoping you’d give me some kudos for the cartoon – I am a well-know cartoon-torialst,(in my own mind anyway). I put great thought into those thought bubbles!
Please, feel free to contribute anytime. You have a editorial greenlight, so to speak. Just let me know.
OOPS – What cartoon you may ask?
Steve, I actually laughed out loud when I saw your cartoon and wondered where you got it. I was even thinking of asking your permission if I could use it here and thought that was a little presumptuous.
This raises the larger question: If bloggers need cartoons to dress up their posts, where do they get them? Friends? Relatives?
Hi Joan,
I shared a link to your article from my blog today to give my readers the benefit of your sage advice. Thanks much.