Why half of LinkedIn users aren’t active on the site

BNET Blogger Jim Edwards wrote about a surprising nugget of information tucked inside the document that LinkedIn included in its initial public offering recently:

Most of its 90 million register users don’t visit the site on a monthly basis, or hardly ever use it.  In fact, Jim says, the company can’t tell the difference between an inactive or deceased member and an active user.

I blinked when I saw that.  I read it again.  Then I ventured an easy guess as to why.
LinkedIn Knowledge is Power

Most LinkedIn users simply don’t understand the power of making connections, joining groups, answering questions, making and receiving recommendations, promoting events, starting discussions, and providing daily status updates. 

Many aren’t aware that they can ask their connections to introduce them to powerful movers, shakers and other influential users who might never take their phone calls or answer their emails.

Learning all that is time-consuming.  And applying it can eat up precious weeks and months.

Still, even if less than half of those who have accounts on LinkedIn use the site, that’s more than 44 million people, many of whom include journalists, broadcasters, bloggers and others who can share your story with their audiences! 

LinkedIn has turned into the go-to destination for companies and nonprofits that are checking out job applicants, looking for recommendations for vendors, and searching for experts who can solve their problems.

Journalists use the advanced search function to find sources just like you.

I’ve heard one success story after another of LinkedIn users who have used the site to sign book contracts with publishers, find paid speaking engagements, and attract consulting clients.

Tom Beug, one of my fellow management consultants in The Summit Group in Milwaukee, used LinkedIn to contact a former client and say hi.  Turns out the company had an opening for a senior manager and hired Tom to conduct the search.
Learn LinkedIn Quickly

If you’re on LinkedIn but you’re confused about how to use the site, don’t spent weeks or months learning.

Join LinkedIn expert Wayne Breitbarth and me for a webinar on March 3 on “Your LinkedIn Power Formula: How to Make Killer Contacts, Pull Crowds to Events, be a Star in Your Industry & Track Down Leads Like a Bloodhound.” If the time is inconvenient, sign up anyway because everyone who registers will receive the link to the video replay and all the handouts. 

Inc. Magazine is so impressed with Wayne that the magazine has invited him to speak at its Growco conference April 6-8 in Las Vegas.

Register here.

Social Media Trends
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  • Morris Lelyveld

    New picture more professional. This week’s is a great issue.