Wanted: Texas chef for TV show

Jill Bandemer, casting producer for Pilgrim Studios in North Hollywood, is looking for a Texas chef for a new show devoted to hunting and cooking.

“One aspect of the show involves good old Texas cooking and how to get that incredible flavorful food Texas is known for,” she says. ” We are looking for chefs to offer our host tips on getting the incredible taste and essence of Texas cooking or barbecuing. We are looking for chefs with lots of personality and energy.”

If you know somebody who fits the bill, tell them to email their resume/credits and any links or footage they may have to Jill at jillcelebbkr (at) aol (dot) com. She can also be reached at 818-481-8388.

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Comments (2)
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  • Aaron Vogel

    I’m right here (waving my arms)!!!

    Thank Q,

    Aaron “Big A” Vogel

    • Joan

      Yes!!!!!!!! Let me know how it goes. So happy I was able to hook you up with the TV show.