Use Google Alerts to form relationships with journalists and get valuable free publicity

You probably already know how to use Google Alerts to discover stories that have been written about you or your topic.

But do you know how to take the next important step that will practically force journalists to pay attention to you?

It’s fairly easy. And Mark Amtower does it regularly.

Let Google Do the Heavy Lifting

He has created Google Alerts for his area of expertise, which is how small business owners can sell more to the government.

Google Alerts sends related articles into his Inbox almost daily. When Mark reads a story he likes, he sends the reporter who wrote it a short email saying he enjoyed the article.

Trust me. When journalists see emails like that, they pay attention! I sure did when I worked as a reporter because most of the people who contacted wanted me wanted something.

Within the email, Mark mentions his website,, to reinforce his expertise and credibility.

If the journalist replies and thanks him for his comments, Mark offers to send a free copy of his book and….here’s the important part…offers to be a resource for other stories on the same topic.

Free Publicity Training Today

That simple technique has helped Mark get a ton of publicity in his niche, because he systematically creates relationships with many reporters who now view him as helpful and reliable.

My friend, Steve Harrison, who has coached Mark and thousands of other authors, speakers and experts, passes along this tip.

I think it’s great one. And that’s why you should join Steve today for a teleseminar on “How To Get A Whole Lot More Media Publicity And Exposure And Make A Name For Yourself As An Expert In Your Field” at either 2 or 7 p.m.

You will learn:

  • How to understand a journalist’s mindset and how it differs by type of media outlet.
  • 5 proven ways to create a compelling publicity “hook” or angle.
  • What a “Good Morning America” producer says is the absolute best way to pitch his show–something very few publicity-seekers do. But it dramatically increases your chances of getting booked.

And lots more.

Register here. 

This is not my program. It is Steve’s. He rarely offers the chance to listen afterward if you miss it, so try to attend this one live because when it’s gone, it’s gone.

Even though it’s free, I’m one of Steve’s affiliates and earn a percentage of anything you buy from him down the road. But you won’t need a credit card to get the tips he’s sharing later today.

Author MarketingBook MarketingGoogle+Media RelationsPitch Media