This question will make the media fall in love with you

Stop thinking of “the media” only as newspaper reporters or magazine editors.

That’s so 20 years ago.

Start thinking of “the media” as anyone who has a platform from which they can talk about you. That includes bloggers, podcasters, ezine editors, authors, LinkedIn group members, people who answer questions on Quora, your Twitter followers who have their own audiences, and so on.

No matter who they are, they all love hearing this question: “How can I help you?”

Don’t assume you know. And don’t assume you can help them all the same way.

The blogger might need a guest blog post from you so she can go on vacation and feel confident that her blog isn’t losing steam, or traffic, while she’s gone.

The podcaster might want a quick 10-minute telephone interview with you.

The magazine editor might need you to write a list of four tips on your topic of expertise as a sidebar to accompany a related story.

Here are several other questions the media love. Can you add any to my list? What questions do you ask them? And what results have you seen? 

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This is the 15th in a series of 50 Tips for Free Publicity that I’m pinning on Pinterest. Follow it, and share it with your friends, followers and fans who need publicity.  And don’t forget to Pin It!

Media Relations
Comments (2)
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  • Gin

    Hi Joan, this is great advice even if it’s as old as time. We all have a vault of knowledge in something that can help another even if it seems unimportant and ordinary. Humans are extraordinary in their own ways and shouldn’t be shy to share online, with a stranger. Somebody, somewhere is smiling with finding a answer to their question(s).

    • Joan

      Sharing free information that helps others is becoming increasingly more important. We’re inundated with pitches from strangers who want to do nothing more than sell us something. Thanks, Gin, for adding to the conversation and stopping by.