The pros and cons of press releases vs. pitches

2 signs at fork in road: Write a press release and Deliver a Pitch

You have an idea for a story that will generate free publicity for your company or nonprofit, a product or a service, or a book you’re launching.

Your first temptation is to write a press release. But you know press releases are often ineffective for getting a major story. Customized pitches to specific journalists and bloggers, however, often go unanswered. 

So what do you do? Take your chance on a press releases or on a pitch?

The decision is important because each has its own purpose. If you choose the wrong one, you can miss your chance at publicity.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each. Tomorrow, I’ll explain guidelines on when to use a press release and when to deliver a pitch.

Advantages of a Press Release

1. A press release can include all the pertinent details.

2. It lives online forever. People can find the release in your online press room months and even years later and discover a lot about you and your company. 

3. It can include valuable links to things like sales pages.

4. It can include hashtags, which make it easier to be found via the search engines. You can even use hashtags in press release headlines.  

5. If a blogger or journalist is interested in covering your story, they don’t have to waste time asking for all the details. You can send them the link.

6. You don’t have to write a press release only when you have news. You can reach consumers directly and write it in the form of a tips list that offers helpful information on how to solve a problem. See How tips lists can get you publicity in top-tier media.

7. You can promote your press release dozens of ways such as linking to it on the social media sites and from your social media profiles.

8. A press release can position you as an expert. If you answer questions on a site like, you can link to a release where people can find more information.   

Disadvantages of a Press Release

1. The release, by itself, seldom results in a major story.

2. Journalists receive them by the thousands and don’t have time to read more than just a few lines.

3. If the headline is poorly written or confusing, you’ve lost the reader.

4. They’re difficult to write well and often include industry jargon and B.S. quotes. 

5. Younger journalists, particularly those in the tech sector, see press releases as an “old school” tool. 

6. Journalists and bloggers want to break news and often want an “exclusive.” A press release gives everyone the same news at the same time.

Advantages of a Pitch

 1. A well-written customized pitch tells a journalist or blogger “I know who you are, I know what you cover and I can help your audience.”

2. The Internet makes it possible for you to thoroughly research the person you’re going to pitch and, if appropriate, weave in details that pertain only to them. It’s even possible to find the name of a blogger’s dog, cat or kid in 60 seconds.

3.  You can customize different pitches for the same story idea, depending on the media outlet.  

4.  Journalists and bloggers don’t know if they’re the only ones receiving your pitch. 

5. You can offer enticing “extras” such as additional sources, a video, an infographic, a Skype interview, or a list of industry definitions. 

6. You can time a pitch so it’s perfect for an upcoming special section in a magazine, or an upcoming holiday. 

Disadvantages of a Pitch

1. You should know how the journalist or blogger wants to be contacted. If you don’t know, and you call reporters who absolutely hate phone calls, or pitch them on a site like Facebook which they use only for staying in touch with family and friends, you risk alienating them. 

2. A pitch must be succinct—no more than 15 seconds by phone and only a few sentences if you’re emailing it.

 3. You will often hear nothing, and you must decide the best way to follow up and know the mistakes to avoid. Do not contact the recipient and ask, “Did you receive my pitch?” Do not include an annoying “delivery confirmation” request on an email pitch.

4. A pitch is very difficult to craft well. It must offer enough information to be enticing, but not so much that it becomes overwhelming. The best pitch promises a great story and entices the recipient to contact you to learn more.

5. If you don’t do adequate research, you can end up addressing blogger Pat Brown as “Ms. Brown” when, in fact, Pat is a man. Know the 7 deadly sins of pitching journalists and bloggers.

What advantages or disadvantages have I missed? Comment below, and share this post in your Google+ groups.

Next: When to Use a Press Release and When to Deliver a Pitch

HashtagsPitching the MediaPress ReleasesPress Room
Comments (14)
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  • Gift Card Girlfriend

    I hear you entirely – this is a debate we just had in my office this morning. I think pitching individually is clearly better, but takes so darn long. Do you spend 5 hours pitching 20 individual outlets that may ignore you entirely or 5 hours writing and distributing a press release that might help establish expertise on a broad scale but may also be ignored?

    • Joan Stewart

      Write one press release “for the record” and spend about 20 minutes each pitching your three favorite bloggers/media outlets. But ONLY after you’ve taken the time to research each thoroughly, regardless of how long that takes.

  • Kevin Brooks

    I am actually doing this to help my daughter in law to promote her great book! The title is “Generational Intelligence”! It is a great book on generation communications within the market place, and really in just everyday life. Her book was once named “Herding Ostriches” but the publisher thought it best to change the title.

    It is easy to read and makes a lot of since from generation to generation.

    If someone could give us some intelligent advice on an even better way to expose this book, I would be thankful!

    The website is and it will clearly explain the book.

    Thank you for your time, and have a success filled day,

    Kevin Brooks

    • Joan Stewart

      Please forward my congratulations on the book to your daughter. Tell her I was laughing out loud when I watched the video. (I’m a Boomer.)

      You opted in to my cheat sheet on “10 Profitable Ways to Use Email to Create SuperFans who Help You Sell Books” at You’ll find helpful tips on that list.

      Because this is more a business book, I recommend your daughter become active on LinkedIn. Join groups. Share lots of helpful tips. Start publishing articles on LinkedIn that tie into the expertise she has on this topic. Don’t simply repost articles from her blog. They need to be new articles or rewritten blog posts.

      Tell her to also read the four-part series of posts from this past week on how authors can become experts and promote their expertise. The fist one is at and links to the others are at the bottom.

  • Michelle Tennant

    Bravo, Joan! You know I’ve been saying this for years. Clients always want a press release which says hello world take the news I’ve given everyone. The juice is in the personalized pitches which says hello I am thinking enough about your body of work to provide you a scoop. Lucky you! Much different. Both essential to PR.

    • Joan Stewart

      Michelle, you’re one of the masters of customizing pitches. I keep learning from you every time we do a webinar together.

  • Roberto Abril

    Great info. I’m in the process of writing a book on prayers and poems. I still have a way to go. Your information is helpful.

    • Joan Stewart

      Glad to help, Roberto. You might want to stay in touch with me by getting my twice-a-week snack-size email tips delivered each Tuesday and Saturday. Sign up at Good luck with the books!

  • Margie

    Has anyone designed a “distribution list” for Facebook pages? I’ve segmented those with the “most interest” but it takes so much time to go in and post on each page individually!

    • Joan Stewart

      Margie, I don’t know of any “distribution list” for Facebook. Perhaps because you’re not supposed to treat these social media sites like news outlets where you simply distribute. The secret is engaging with others on the site, and sharing interesting information you think they’d like, not just promotions.

  • Michelle Tennant

    Surprise, Joan! I see your enewsletter today on this oldie but goodie topic. Guess what? I just heard from a top media freelancer who responded to a press release I wrote NOT a pitch. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    • Joan Stewart

      I’m not surprised to hear this, Michelle. You’re one of the best publicists–and press release writers–on the planet.

  • Ron Rosenthal

    I’m finishing a book titled Vincent’s Ear: Death and Dysfiguration. It explains the rationale behind Vincent’s irrational acts. I am a retired Dentist, who dealt with, and taught other dentists about the problems Vincent had, which drove him to cut off his ear, as well as his life. Any thoughts on how best to promote it?


    • Joan Stewart

      You first need to define the ideal target market for this book. Go to Amazon and find out if there are other books on the artist and what kinds of people are leaving reviews and comments. People interested in art history might want to know about your book. Research art history blogs, podcasts, website, etc. Also pitch an article about your book to any newsletters or magazines read by dentists. Let your weekly newspaper know about your book, too. Weeklies often consider local authors celebrities.