The Best of The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week of 2013: Yours to regift

Ebook--Best of 2013 coverIf you want to ramp up your PR campaign, generate more publicity and really build the buzz on social media, here’s the gift that keeps on giving. 

It’s “The Best of the Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week of 2013,” a compilation of 34 of the very best tips from my popular ezine. The ebook has become an annual tradition, and I encourage you to regift it to your friends, followers and fans.

You can download the ebook, or use the handy app we created, by clicking on the links in red, below. 

When sharing it, use this link which will lead people right over to this blog post: (you can’t download the book from this link, which leads right back to this blog post. Look for the download instructions in large type,  below.)

This year’s ebook has a special emphasis on free tools you can use to save time and money in a publicity or social media campaign. Here’s what you’ll find in the 49-page ebook:

—How to create and use the social media 2.0 press release from Shift Communications

—How to Promote Your Business with Your LinkedIn Company Page

—The differences between print, broadcast and online publicity, and the advantages and disadvantages of each

—How to ask for reviews of your products or services on LinkedIn

—Where to find a huge directory of freelance writers, complete with contact information


Ebook--Best of 2013 coverClick on the book to download the free ebook







Click on the phone to add the app!

The “Best of” Mobile App

This is “The Best of the Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week of 2013”, delivered to your mobile device. This is an app you can download to your smartphone or tablet so you can keep the ebook at your fingertips!


Problems accessing the book? Email my assistant, Christine Buffaloe, at  


 Free Publicity Tip 35--Best of 2013 ebook—A handy tool that will help you check for plagiarism and duplicate content

—Alternatives to the very popular and now defunct Google Reader

—Five big advantages for marketers who use Facebook calls to action

—Where to find a giant list of local and regional magazines so you know all your pitching opportunities

—36 places to publicize your startup

—Where to find a free 39-page report on how to research and pitch bloggers, step by step

—Where to find inexpensive and very creative marketing help if you need a new slogan or tagline

—Where to find a fabulous list of 50 tips for pitching the media



Ebook--Best of 2013 coverClick on the book to download the free ebook






Click on the phone to add the app!

The “Best of” Mobile App

This is “The Best of the Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week of 2013”, delivered to your mobile device. This is an app you can download to your smartphone or tablet so you can keep the ebook at your fingertips!


Problems accessing the book? Email my assistant, Christine Buffaloe, at 


—40 forms and links on how to contact Google

100 power words you should be using in your headlines and email subject lines

—A webinar replay of tips on how to shoot video using an iPad and a $5 app

How to make a killing on Pinterest if you have a topic that’s dull, academic or yucky

—How to enlist the help of hundreds of bloggers who can promote your posts

—Why tips lists are more powerful than ever when used in a publicity campaign

—Where to find a free tool that will help you create a cover image for Google+

—3 places journalists are dropping clues about topics they think are important


Click on the book to download the free ebook







Click on the phone to add the app!

The “Best of” Mobile App

This is “The Best of the Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week of 2013”, delivered to your mobile device. This is an app you can download to your smartphone or tablet so you can keep the ebook at your fingertips!


 Problems accessing the book? Email my assistant, Christine Buffaloe, at 


–How to help readers find your books on amazon

–How to pitch a radio talk show host who reviews books

–Where to find a handy free template for an email pitch that generated tons of free publicity

82 story ideas for publicity, several for all 12 months of the year

–Ideas for action photos to include in your online press room

–Why you should write your blog or article headline before you write the copy

–Where to find a free tool that will let you create a video of your Twitter profile and tweets



Click on the book to download the free ebook






Click on the phone to add the app!

The “Best of” Mobile App

This is “The Best of the Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week of 2013”, delivered to your mobile device. This is an app you can download to your smartphone or tablet so you can keep the ebook at your fingertips!


 Problems accessing the book? Email my assistant, Christine Buffaloe, at 


–The 6 big benefits of using hashtags

–Where to find the top 50 new product review blogs

–5 ways to use a free tool to create fun photos  

–Where to find a free replay of a webinar I ihosted on  the 7 things your 2014 publicity plan MUST include

–Where to find step-by-step directions on how to improve your Google+ Hovercard

–How to add an email opt-in box to your Facebook page


Click on the book to download the free ebook






Click on the phone to add the app!

The “Best of” Mobile App

This is “The Best of the Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week of 2013”, delivered to your mobile device. This is an app you can download to your smartphone or tablet so you can keep the ebook at your fingertips!


Problems accessing the book? Email my assistant, Christine Buffaloe, at  

Let me know if you like the ebook and have used any of the tips. The Comments section awaits….

And if you don’t subscribe to these twice-a-week tips, you can do so in the box on my homepage.  

Authors & PublishersBook MarketingFree PR ToolsFree PublicitySocial Media Productivity
Comments (13)
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  • Rish

    Thanks a lot for such a great resource!

    • Joan Stewart

      Glad you like the book, Rish!

  • Lynn

    I don’t understand- how do I download it if I don’t have a smart phone or tablet?

    • Joan Stewart

      Right-click where it says “Right click here to open the book and save it.”

  • Anne Duguid

    Delighted to have this and so good to be able to regift it. Many thanks, Joan, and have another highly successful New Year.

    • Joan Stewart

      You do the same, Anne. Come back here and let us know the results of some of the tips you’re using.

  • Joel B

    Thank you so much for this content Joan. I can’t stand doing press releases, but found your info & tips on Press Releases as being very helpful as well!

    • Joan Stewart

      I’m thrilled you found it helpful, Joel. Thanks for letting me know. Good luck in 2014!

    • Joan Stewart

      Let me know which tips you’ll be using, Mary, and remember to return to share your publicity success stories.

  • Roberto Lebron

    Thank you for taking the time to put these together in book form. I get your newsletter and read every one, but the ebook format is handier as a reference, and it’s inspiring to read all several tips in one stretch!

    • Joan Stewart

      Roberto, so glad you like it! Thanks for being a loyal Publicity Hound and for stopping by.