Speakers: Help meeting planners publicize your gigs

Free Publicity Tip #23--Promote speaking engagementsIf you do public speaking, help meeting planners with publicity to draw the biggest crowd possible so they invite you back.

Each time you have a speaking engagement, offer to write the promotional copy that advertises the event for the group’s flyer. Include a sentence letting people know they can sign up for your free ezine or email tip of the week, or whatever.

Your speaker PR accomplishes four things:

1. It helps build your email list.

2. It encourages people who can’t attend the presentation to visit your website and buy your products.

3. It builds excitement for your presentation which results in higher attendance.

4. And it makes meeting planners very happy when you do some of their work for them.

If you don’t have an ezine, let people know they can find valuable articles at your website, or posts at your blog. Or tell them where you share great content on sites like Twitter and Pinterest. The idea is to start building the relationship with audience members long before you appear on the platform.


Other Places to Promote Your Gigs

  • On your Facebook page.
  • On Twitter.
  • On LinkedIn where you can create an event and share it with your Groups.
  • On your LinkedIn Company Page.
  • At your blog.
  • On your website.
  • In your ezine.


What to do After You Speak

After your speaking engagement, offer the group’s newsletter editor a 10-point summary of your presentation, along with your photo. This gets you in front of the same audience again. It also lets you get your website URL in front of the people who missed you the first time around. And it makes the newsletter editor very happy, too.

Resources to Help You:

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This is the 23rd in a series of “50 Tips for Free Publicity” on Pinterest.  If you like it, repin it by clicking on the “Pin It” button above.  And share it with your friends and followers on the other social media sites.

Event PublicityPublic Speaking
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