Speakers, do you still use one-sheets for marketing?

debra j. schmidt one-sheetIn the speaking industry, one-sheets have been a valuable marketing tool.

Speakers have used a simple one-page flier, sometimes two pages back-to-back, to summarize their keynotes, break-outs, workshops and training sessions. They include things like testimonials, contact information, and a list of clients. Then they give a rough draft to their graphic designer who makes it look attractive.

They print it on a good stock and send the finished product to meeting planners and speakers’ bureaus, or tuck the sheets into their media kits.

In today’s issue of SpeakerNet News, the excellent ezine for speakers and trainers, I asked for feedback on one-sheets because it’s time to update my own and I honestly don’t know if people consider the printed one-sheet important anymore. 

Do meeting planners want printed one-sheets, or do they prefer electronic only?

If you’re a speaker, do you use printed one-sheets, or PDFs? Do you include a QR code on your one-sheet that leads people to your website or blog, or to the profile page at one of your social media sites?

I asked other speakers for feedback, and I’m posting the same query here in case you don’t subscribe to SpeakerNet News. If you speak for free or for a fee, this ezine is must reading. It has a fabulous Compilations section where you can find answers to a wide variety of resources and topics, from how to deal with clods in the audience, to techniques for improving your storytelling. 

Comment below, share a link to your one-sheet, and I’ll compile feedback from the SpeakerNet News ezine and let you know what I hear.

I’d really love to hear from meeting planners on the most important elements of a one-sheet. What do you look for for? How important are testimonials? Do you care about links to social media profiles? What are the most interesting elements you’ve seen other speakers include?

The one-sheet you see here is from my friend, Deb Schmidt, and nicely done. Click here to see both pages.    

Thanks for sharing the link to this post on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. I’d love as much feedback as possible.

Client AttractionPhotos & GraphicsPublic Speaking
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