Snappy Sassy Salty: A treat for the writer or author in your life

Wise Words for Writers (3)


Every time I’ve spoken at one of book shepherd Judith Briles’ events for authors, I return home with one of her pithy phrases ringing in my ears.

On our Publishing at Sea cruise to the Caribbean last year, she said this about authors who want to do their own editing and design their own covers:


Judith Briles Photo 1--Don't do well


In May, when I spoke at her Author U Extravaganza in Denver, we were discussing authors who aim for too wide an audience and write for the masses. When she hears authors say they think their books should be read “by everybody,” she says:




At another one of her events, we were discussing how difficult publishing becomes as authors get closer to launching their books. She said:




Those are just three pieces of advice she has given to her clients over the years. She has compiled all her sayings—her Judithisms—into Sassy Snappy Salty—Wise Words for Authors and Writers (Mile-High Press, Ltd., $22.95). It’s a fun, upbeat and inspirational read for anyone who writes—or wants to. The sayings are divided into six categories:

  • Author and Writer Juice
  • Inspiration…Joy…and Your Muse
  • Success is a 7-Letter Word
  • Writing Savvy
  • Failure is Not an Obstacle
  • Marketing Moxie

She’s launching the book this week and extending a special offer for readers through this weekend.  Lots of great bonuses specifically for writers. The package includes my special report on “42 Publicity Tips for Authors & Small Publishers.”

Snappy Sassy Salty would make an ideal gift for the author or writer in your life. Grab it! And no, it isn’t too early to think about Christmas.

Sail with Us in January

Judith and I, along with book distributor Amy Collins and social media expert Georgia McCabe, will be setting sale again this January for our second annual Publishing at Sea cruise Jan. 18-25 in the Eastern Caribbean. The four of us—aka The Chicks at Sea–will be teaching authors every aspect of book publishing. Most of the teaching will be when we’re at sea so we have free time when we’re in port in St. Thomas, St. Martin and the Bahamas.

We’re kicking it off next week with the first of four free webinars for authors at 6 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, July 30. Amy will present “Book Blurbs, Testimonials & Reviews: How to Collect Them and When to Use Them.”  We hope you’ll join us!

Authors & PublishersBook ReviewsWriting
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