San Diego Meetup for dogs a red-hot hit at Mexican Cafe

san diego doggy event side 1

san diego doggy event side 2

Holy Guacamole!

These two photos tell the whole story of Doggie Date Night each Monday at Fred’s Mexican Cafe in Old Town. The Publicity Hound gives this publicity idea “two paws up–way up” because they turned it into a Meetup, created a Fred Oldtown Facebook Page with lots of photos and distributed the two-sided flier you see above at four local pet-friendly hotels.

“I’ve got six dogs on the patio right now,” said Manager Greg Baderian when I called this afternoon, “and at least 20 dogs every Monday night.”

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  • Lauri Wolf

    thank you for all your social media and publicity tips! I am new to all this but I’m learning — you’re a good teacher. PS if I had a dog, I would visit your site very very often!

    • Joan Stewart

      Glad you like the tips, Lauri. And you can visit my site as often as you wish, with or without a dog!